Always the Way…
Why does it always happen that the day you have to leave the house at 8:30am for a Dr’s appointment is the only day in weeks the girls have slept past 7:30 and had to be woken up at 8?
Why is is that you get busy all at once and have something on every day one week when the previous week you sat home bored?
Why is it that krispy kreme do-nuts taste so so good while you are eating them yet you regret it the minute you finish?
Why is it that I am 25 weeks pregnant.. well into what is supposed to be the ‘good middle bit’ and I am still spewing every now and then? Hence the regretfulness of the do-nut consumption.
Why is it that it only takes me half an hour to forget how little time the do-nut actually spent in my stomach and decide to have another?
Why is it that my children ask to go to bed for a day sleep but don’t actually sleep.. instead they trash their bed room while I sit here and decide whether or not to leave them to it try to intervene?
Time to intervene.. that crashing noise can’t be a good sign.
haha sounds like you’ve had an eventful day there or crazy if we shall call it that!! Hope it gets better :)
If you knew Kate, what fun would it be? ;)
LOL and (((((hugs)))))…
Yup, the days we have preschool at 11.30, he is up at 5:30, the one day he’s supposed to leave at 10 to 7 he will sleep… Just the universe keeping us on our toes :)
Oh Kate… where is that book?!
you had me LOL with that, Hugs :)
LOL Kate something to do with Murphy’s Law I think a little there as for the morning sickness well when I was pregnant with Steps I threw up everyday all day long with her until the day I had her…..ahhh lets hope that doesn’t happen with you. (((HUGS)))