Blasted Magnetic Sheep!

This makes two Saturdays in a row when I have spent the better part of the morning on my hands and knees crawling through piles of toys and clothes and other ‘stuff’ in search of a magnetic sheep.

Way back at the start of the year my girls entered and a won competition for a year’s subscription to the local toy library. Yay! It all sounds so lovely. You go to the toy library choose a few toys to borrow, play with them and then bring them back after a week or two. Easy right? Wrong! Although we all start out being careful to keep track of all the bits by the end of the fortnight invariably there is something missing.

Last weekend it was a sheep… a magnetic sheep.

I have turned my house upside down, crawled under beds, sorted through giant boxes of legos and gotten three years of fluff out from under our fridge looking for this sheep.

The sheep is still AWOL and I am running out of places to look.

If anyone is the slightest bit psychic can you please tell me where the blasted magnetic sheep is hiding!

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    1. If it’s any consolation it’s just as easy to misplace the big, live, bleating versions! (And almost as hard to find when the neighbor leaves the adjoining gate open and thye’ve got many multiple acres.)

    2. hehe! I agree, it is probably under the fridge or near something else magnetic. Or try inside the fridge!

      Have you also looked in the car?

      Best of luck in the hunt!

    3. How about down the side of the couch under the cushions? Inside the video player is a favourite spot for posting things but I don’t think they can reach there. In the washing machine (been in someones pocket and got washed) , under the clothes line (fell out when the trousers were hung up. Still in the pocket of some piece of clothing that has been washed and put away. In Simon’s shed? Same idea was in a pocket and fell out while watching illicit movies. Went to kinder and got mixed up with their toys. That’s the best I can do.

    4. Have you looked in the bottom of the closet, in the kids’shoes, or in our house in the doggie’s bed.

      Hope you find it!
      Thena Smith