Do I smell?

Well ok I am sure sometimes I do, but in general I am sure I don’t smell. Well not bad enough to make my friends all move away… yet today we said goodbye to yet another friend who is moving to Queensland!

Not long after we moved here our very close friends moved up to Queensland… it was a great move for them though we miss them incredibly… more than I ever thought I would. And tomorrow morning another friend and her gorgeous little girl and lovely husband will head up north. I keep telling myself that I really don’t smell… this friend is originally from Queensland so that doesn’t count as ‘moving away’ more like ‘going home’. But man am I going to miss them… the girls are going to miss their friend too.

It has been so wonderful to have someone to chat to while driving around the place. Someone to hang out with while our husbands worked shifts. Someone to just sit and gasbag to. Someone who has a gorgeous little girl who can put up with my two dressing her up and bossing her around. Someone to vent to when needed. Someone to corrupt with Red Rooster. And even better this someone was just over the hill… close by… and came along right when we’d just made the decision to move away from a lot of our other friends.

I am not the most social person in the world (what really?) and I pick and choose my friends carefully… and then only the really good ones stick around and put up with me. So while I know that this will be the start of something wonderful for this little family I know it will leave a bit of a hole in our lives. But still I wish them every happiness and huge buckets of success! I know they will be back to visit and it will give us another reason to head up north whenever we can…

But man.. Queensland you had better look after all these good people my bad smell is sending your way! Or Else!

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    1. Awe Kate, that’s so sad to have another good friend move away. But I know that the person you are that you will soon enough meet and make some more friends who are hopefully just as close to where you live (out in the sticks). ;-)

      And failing that, wanna meet my BIL and his family?! ROFL