Easy Art For Kids – Drawing on Foil

foil drawing

It’s been about a year since we first painted on foil here at the Pickle Farm and the big kids request this activity over and over they love it so much. But sometimes painting is just too much… not to mention the fact that we have no space to dry the copious amounts of paintings that are produced. So after yet another request to paint on foil I came up with a compromise that is almost as good…

Drawing on Foil!

You need…

foil drawing

Aluminum foil
permanent markers such as Sharpies.
A sheet of card or paper
Something to protect the table.

You do…

Wrap the foil careful around the paper or card, trying not to make too many wrinkles. This gives the foil a little more strength and makes it easier for everyone to handle.

Cover the table in plastic or newspaper just in case the drawings go astray and wear old clothes or a smock, because these pens don’t wash off anything. (I learned that the hard way!)

Then let loose and draw!

foil drawing

This was one of those spare of the moment activities that turned out to be easy and really cool. All of my big kids made heaps of drawings and worked for a long time on each one as they liked the way it looked when you filled the whole page with colour.

foil drawing

foil drawing

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