First Day – revisited.

In case you missed the all points news bulletin at the end of last year… while the Twinadoes are old enough to start school this year we decided they would be better off doing a second year of kinder (preschool) and today was their first day.

Despite starting at a new kinder, they pretty much knew the routine, were old hands at dealing with Mamma leaving them and settled in quickly. They came home with drawings and exciting tales about Sparkle and Bluey, the Kinder Budgies. They reported that they didn’t play with anyone (they don’t know anyone at this kinder) but they didn’t cry or whinge at all…. ah if only their days at home were so nice.

preschoolers drawing of a person
Of course, silly me.. this is not a monster with lots of eyes… “it’s a girl with chicken pox, who’s happy because she’s eating a chocolate, which isn’t a healthy food but sometimes when you’re sick you get to eat junk food anyway.’ – By Zoe.

preschoolers drawing of a flower, mirror image writing in preschoolers
And this is “The most colourful flower in the whole world… and it’s big so all the birds can come and eat it.” – by Izzy and no I didn’t mirror image this picture by mistake she just writes her name backwards sometimes.. all totally normal.

So all in all their second first day went really well and we are all pretty confident that they are really going to enjoy this extra year at their lovely new kinder.

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    1. I love them both!
      I can totally see the blue chicken pox but not the chocolate. I guess it has been fully consumed (like most chocolate in this house today (and I didn’t even have the chicken pox)). If I did, it would be a good excuse as to why I ate all the Rolo Easter eggs too…

    2. Love the drawings! Glad to hear the first day was “uneventful” LOL!

      And re: writing backwards – my DS (now 12yrs) wrote lots of things completely mirror image until he was over 6yrs, and specific letters till he was over 7yrs. He was *extremely* literate, reading fluently at 5yrs, and very articulate, but just liked to write mirror image (as well as writing normally too). It was kinda cool!

    3. Awww wonderful to hear that their second first day went along smoothly wishing you all a wonderful kinder year and how exciting to be able to start this year off on such a happy note:)

    4. I love the drawings and the colours.
      I can’t wait for my boys to start drawing … on paper …they love to point out their wall graffiti LOL.
      I think you did the right thing in holding them back – and I am glad their first day went well.They will love being top of the class.