Oh what a tangled web we weave…

Thanks for all the birthday wishes.. I had a lovely quiet day at home. Then we went out for Mexican for dinner, just the four of us, and we all pigged out!

On the way home we stopped in at the supermarket to pick up a box of ice creams. I managed to convince the girls that the ice creams were ‘special food for the baby’. I know… bad Mamma moment and a big whopper of a lie just because I am a hypocrite and I like to eat ice cream but won’t let them eat it!

As we were walking back to the car Izzy told me. “That is special food for the baby isn’t it… when the baby comes out of your tummy Dr Mark will give it one of those, won’t he.”

Man I hope she doesn’t have a good memory or I am going to have to word our OB up to make sure he has a box of black forest drumsticks waiting for the baby when it is born!

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    1. Haha, you and your Ob both have your work cut out for you! I bet they remember!

      Don’t you just love Mexican food?! Yummmmmm!

    2. sneaky but clever! I always used to tell DS that the soft drink machine was “broken” whereever we were. Worked for years!

    3. roflol! We all have those bad mamma moments lol ;).. .me a little more than I probably should!

      BTW Happy Birthday for the otherday.. I thought I saw it come through with the ozdigi mail ;)