Project April – Week 1

Project 365 scares the pants off me and I am such a big old wuss that I will only attempt any ‘photo a day’ gig for a really short period of time, for fear of failing before I even get going.

And so ‘Project April’ was born. It is Project 365′ for scary cat, lazy pants, like me.

project April

project april

project april

Project April

Project April

If you’d like to join in, feel free. Ignore the fact that the first week of April is all but over (eek how did that happen?) and just call yours ‘Project April 3/4s’.

I suspect mine may become ‘Project April Mostly’, especially when school goes back. But I am ok with that. I am totally, 100% ok with that, really I am… really.

Ok, so I will be a tiny little bit bummed if I can’t manage a photo every day for 30 days, but I’ll live… and you all won’t think any less of me right? RIGHT?

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      1. I am so envious of your staying power!
        Do you do something special with your project 365 images like scrapbook or something? I’ve always wanted to make a ‘year book’ for my family each year which is why project 365 inspires me… but oh the commitment! LOL

        1. So far I’ve done nothing with them, I intended to create a beautiful album for each kiddo with their individual year in, but I’ve just not gotten around to it.
          The first 6 weeks were tough remembering to do it for both of them but now it’s just second nature and the thought of stopping fills me with extreme parenting guilt!

      1. There are no rules Sarah, well except that you should attempt to take a photo every day in April. Feel free to share your photos anywhere or any way you like… on your blog, on facebook, on instagram… or just keep them for yourself.
        I am hoping that at the end of April I will have 30 images that capture every day, not perfect, polished, posed photos… just little snippets of our life to treasure.

    1. Go on, you can do it. I managed it for two years. Some days I was grabbing the phone to take a photo at 11pm but you get into a routine and I actually started to enjoy it. Check mine out if you want – there’s a project 365 link at top of my blog. I’m doing a colour project now. A different colour every month.