He is my ‘big boy’. He is my ‘middle child’. He is eight today. Eight. Eight seems so in between… so grown up yet so little. This past year has seen so many things change, and so many things stay the same. I walk on egg shells often, not wanting to break the spell of […]
He’s learning to read. I never realised how empowering that was till I watched my kids do it. What have your kids done that has surprised, amazed or delighted you?
Our Weekend at Big4 Bellarine Vlog!
My big boy turned five on Monday. And my small boy turned two on Tuesday. To celebrate such momentous occasions we went away for a birthday bonanza, totally spectacular, jump on the jumping pillow till you freeze weekend, thanks to Big4 Bellarine! Here’s a quick snippet of what we got up to… Thanks so much […]
You See What You See.
This is what you see when you sit on our toilet. I see the dirty grout, chipped tiles and a net bag of skanky bath toys which are all well passed their use by date. My Middle Child sees a smiling face. I’m going with his perspective today. I’m joining in the Aussie (almost) Wordless […]
My Perfectly Imperfect Life – Day 5
Her hair is always full of knots. He cries, sometimes quite a lot. He hides in the corner and pretends the world doesn’t exist when something goes wrong. Sometimes he won’t settle anywhere but in the sling. They can only play together for five minutes before it descends into chaos. He has the best grumpy […]
Born, Quatro’s Story.
Warning – This post is loooong. I tried to keep it short but it is a long story so I had no choice. I totally understand if you fall asleep half way through or just want to click away now, no hard feelings. In the early hours of a Saturday morning a boy was born, […]
Baby Things.
I’ve been up in the top of our giant shed…. slowly working my way through all the baby things we have stored over the years. It’s a walk through memory lane. A stark reminder. A strange little thread that ties all of my children together. There are clothes that both the girls and Muski wore. […]
Just Friday.
Some Friday randomness for you all… There is a certain Small Boy who resides in this house who has a magic ability to drive me insane, crack me up and melt my heart all at once. How do they do that? The end of the school week, yay for that. I don’t have to haul […]