It’s April. I am not ready for April. I didn’t take into account that it would be April. You see, this past week or so I have been just getting by. I have been hanging on, just trying to make it to the end of term. Just washing enough clothes to get me through until […]
Tackling My To Do List.
After taking a week off writing work last week I managed to tick off two things on my To Do list. Yep, you read that right. TWO THINGS! I had plans to knock off the majority of the items on my long list so that I wouldn’t have them hanging over my head as we […]
Toy Rotation.
We have several small ‘play spaces’ tucked into nooks and crannies of our little old house. There is a little table tucked in near our big dining table, an easel that often lives at one end of our tiny kitchen, and a corner of our living room that is dedicated to toys. We don’t have […]
Writing Desks, Clutter, and Kids, Oh My!
There is something about the change of seasons that makes me want to change things as well. So yesterday, as The Father Figure worked on the new bit of the house, I decided it was high time the to make some changes in the old bit also. No more slacking off, no more ‘It’s not […]
Burning Question – How Many Clothes Do we Really Need?
Our house seems to be over flowing with clothes. Clean clothes, dirty clothes, clothes that are put away, and clothes that have been left in a heap…. and yet we still never seem to have anything to wear! I can’t decide if we have nothing to wear because we have too many clothes, the wrong […]
Starting Out Organised…
I can’t believe that the school year is half over already! While I am certainly not wishing this last week of the school holidays to move any faster than it has to (in fact I’d be happy with an extra week please!) I am quietly preparing for the second semester to start because I desperately […]
Winter Cleaning.
The lure of a fresh new start at the change of seasons is what gets me up off my bum and into the cleaning mood at the start of spring. But it’s the middle of winter here right now. Today is cold and windy and it feels a long way from the motivation of spring. […]
The Art Cupboard.
My kids like to create. We have a designated (lockable to the toddler but not the big girls) art cupboard full of pencils and paper and glue and scissors etc… but lately it’s been getting way out of control. It’s full of markers without lids, half used colour in books, a million tiny bits of […]