Lately I’ve been getting a few comments, tweets and emails that lead me to believe that some people may be a little confused about the whole ‘pickle’ thing. I’d hate for people to feel like they have been mislead, so tonight, I’m going to set the record straight. Here are some things you should know […]
Things I Know About Perfection.
Can you believe that October is almost said and done? That scares me more than I care to admit! The fact that our veggie garden is still not weeded, the fact that my To Do list is still twenty miles long, the fact that we are already on that slippery slide towards Christmas and the […]
Things I know about head lice…
Here, for your reading displeasure, is a random list of things I know about head lice…. Plans for a peaceful Thursday evening can be destroyed with one little sentence; “Mum, my head is itchy.” Where there is one head louse, there is always more. If your child really, really dislikes having his hair cut, he’ll […]
Things I Know in Words and Pictures.
I know that life is rushing past and I am not taking enough photos! I know that buying a bunch of local daffodils from the side of the road on a frosty morning is $2 well spent. I know that this is why he thinks his name is “luck you’re cute!” I know that this […]
Things I Know…. About Blogging.
I know that people who didn’t go to Blogopolis probably don’t want to read any more posts about it (feel free to click away now, really, I won’t be offended), and I know that plenty of other people have written way more fabulous posts about the event that I ever could. But I also know […]
I know nothing.
I don’t know anything today. Zip, zilch, nada, nothing at all… I don’t know why my baby now makes this face (see above) when I get out the camera?! I don’t know why I hung the towels on the washing line during that one hour of sunshine… cause they’ve been rained on several times since […]
Things I Don’t Know
Oh but there are just so many things I don’t know, but for the sake of your sanity I’ll try and keep this list short…. I don’t know why everyone is suddenly putting a stick in all kinds of food and calling it a ‘-pop’. ‘Cake-pops’ and ‘Cookie-pops’ sort of make sense but ‘pizza-pops’?? Really? […]
Things I know…
I know that trying to get organised for the Aussie Bloggers Conference is a lot more tricky than I thought. I know that shopping for clothes with a friend is way better than doing it on your own. I know that a baby with a snotty nose means a very tired Mama. I know that […]