Things I Don’t Know

Oh but there are just so many things I don’t know, but for the sake of your sanity I’ll try and keep this list short….

I don’t know why everyone is suddenly putting a stick in all kinds of food and calling it a ‘-pop’. ‘Cake-pops’ and ‘Cookie-pops’ sort of make sense but ‘pizza-pops’?? Really?

I don’t know why everything has to happen at the end of June. Birthdays, concerts, discos, karaoke events…. I can’t do them all you know!

I don’t know how it got to be June already!?!?

I don’t know why we need teeth. Getting them, keeping them, fixing them after your baby head butts you and breaks the cap on your front teeth, they are such a pain in the bum.

I don’t know why the big boy’s interest in building elaborate block buildings has to coincide with the baby’s interest in knocking them down.

I don’t know what possessed my seven and a half year old to cut herself a fringe! I thought cutting their own hair was something we’d gotten over years ago!

I don’t know why the baby is still awake at 11pm. I blame Shae’s delicious home-made custard… he’s still on a sugar high from dessert!

I’m playing my own warped version of Yay For Home’s Things I Know… go and link up with all the things you know too!

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    1. Oh I’m with you on the block thing, Annie always seemed to reach a new stage of building things, just as Heidi reached a new stage of destroying things – and vice versa.

    2. I like your warped version, Kate. You give me much amusement.

      All I can say is, how bad is the fringe? I am so afraid of my 2.75 yr old daughter’s obsession for scissors… hiding them all is working so far, but know that the day she finds a pair will be the day a new haircut is born.

    3. I also don’t know how it got to be June already. It’s very scary.

      I hope the tooth repair wasn’t too painful – wallet or mouthwise!

      1. actually I was super lucky and my lovely dentist was able to fix the broken cap on my front teeth in about ten minutes and it doesn’t cost me that much either…

      1. had one of the worst nights ever with my littlest…damn that home made delicious lovely custard…

    4. Ha this is fun, I really like “I don’t know how it got to be June” I have seriously no idea either! Time moves differently the older I get,it truly is spooky!

    5. Hi, followed you here from Digital Parents after reading your response to the issue of editing photos. So which of the photos on this blog have you edited? huh? only kidding, I totally agreed with your viewpoint…I had never given it a second thought before reading that thread. This was a great “what you know” list btw. Good luck with your house renovations! We recently built – can’t imagine renovating – with children!!