Three to Five – Playful Preschool Ebook

Three to Five Playful Preschool ebook - 25+ activities and 10 printables

At the start of the year I was excited to be part of great ebook full of ideas and activities for babies and toddlers – Zero to Two, The Book of Play. I had so much putting together the activity and printable for that ebook that I was delighted to be asked to contribute to a new ebook – Three to Five – Playful Preschool.

Three to Five Playful Preschool ebook - 25+ activities and 10 printables

This ebook is all about preschoolers and is full of ideas and inspiration for anyone who works with, or loves a 3-5 year old including;

  • 25+ awesome activities for hands on, play based learning that are practical and easy to follow
  • 10 printable resources including a city play scape scene, My First Journal pages, a recipe card, numbers game, weather chart printables, alphabet play mats, hand drawn art pages, conversation cards, block building challenge cards and bookmarks.
  • links to over 50 more preschool activities

Three to Five Playful Preschool ebook - the printable city scene is fjust one of ten printables that come with the ebook
We made this fun printable city scene, perfect for a little imaginative play or for the occasional car or city sing along!

The ebook is a collaboration of some of the best bloggers who specialise in play-based learning, including Laughing Kids Learn, Octavia and Vicky, Babble Dabble Do, Creative With Kids, Learn With Play At Home, and many more.

How do you get it?

  • This is an ebook, which means you will be sent a link that allows you to download a pdf containing the ebook and all the resources.
  • You can read it on a screen or device, or you can print any or all of the ebook as needed.
  • You pay via PayPal, which will take care of any currency conversion for you.
  • As a contributor to this ebook I make a commission on each sale from my blog, so click the image button to get your copy, and support my little obsession with making printables!

Get your copy of Three to Five – Playful Preschool for $8.99 (USD). Click here to buy.
(With the exception of the UK, this product is currently not available to European buyers.)

Three to Five Playful Preschool ebook - 25+ activities and 10 printables

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    1. Hi, I just purchased your new book – perfect timing with my craft-loving 3-year old and summer coming! I’m going to recommend it in my newsletter that I’m sending out today, too. I just wanted to let you know that the last link in this post (“special launch price…”) links to the zero to two book, not the new one. The link in the first paragraph is correct.

      Thanks for sharing such fun activities – I’ve used so many of your ideas!

      1. Oh thanks so much for pointing out the link error! That’s what you get for staying up late and blogging! LOL
        So glad you are enjoying the ebook and the blog :)