We are still alive…

No I am not dead… just haven’t blogged in a while!

You know when you have one of those weeks that sort of slip past without you even noticing it? Well that was last week. We weren’t even busy for the most part. I think we only had stuff on for two days and then spent the weekend in the air conditioned comfort of Nanny and Bobo’s.

So no, no dramas. We have not slipped off the face of the earth. We just had nothing exciting to report. I am however working on a way to put all the photos of the vegie garden I took last week together to make some kind of record of the garden this year.. so if I ever find the time to master that you can look forward to a long and boring post all about of vegies! But apart from that….that’s it!

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  1. Looking forward to your veggie post! :D I am such a wannabe gardener! I completely suck at gardening, cos I forget to water things. But I live in hope! Hapy to live vicariously thru others’ gardens atm ;-)

  2. Oh me too, Id love to do my vegie garden. At the moment only have time for a little basil plant, I killed the chilli, tomato, and spinach…LOL

  3. welcome back.. its just I lead a boring life, and enjoy your tails, maybe one day ill have something more enjoyable to chase around the lounge!!