12 Simple Collage Ideas

Gluing, cutting and pasting, sticking…whatever you call it, collage is one of the easiest, open-ended, art activities you can offer your child.

All you need is some glue (here’s an easy recipe to make glue at home) something to stick on to (cut up cereal boxes work great) and something to stick (here’s a list easy to find collage materials to get you started), the rest is up to your child’s imagination!

12 Simple Collage ideas to get you gluing and sticking with your kids!

To get those creative juices flowing, here are 12 simple collage ideas and activities to inspire you!

Simple strip collage is great for little hands that like lots of glue!

This name collage is a great way to work on name recognition.

Add a little glitter to the glue and try this glittery cotton ball collage.

For a different effect try thisfoil collage.

Make some funny face collages.

Sprinkling materials onto the glue is loads of fun – try this confetti collage.

Recycle your Christmas cards to make a fab Christmas card collage.

Crazy photo collages are fun for big and little kids and we’ve got some free printables to get you started.

Collect some scraps and try some fabric collage

Natural materials are a great free collage item to collect. Use them to make a fabulous fall collage.

Or collect some flowers and male flower fairies and other colourful collage creatures.

Beginning readers and writers will love this simple letter collage.

Do your kids love gluing and sticking as much as mine do?
What is their favourite collage material?


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