2011 Christmas Printable Series – Christmas Postcard Template.

2011 christmas printables series

So I may have given some of you a heart attack on Saturday when I proclaimed there was only four weeks till Christmas. Of course, I was a week ahead of myself and really there is five weeks till Christmas.



Instead of running around screaming “It can’t be Christmas, I’m not ready” I’ve decided to embrace the excitement of the holidays and get busy making some printables to share. Every Monday from now until Christmas I will have a new Christmas printable for you. I may even throw in the odd extra one here and there, who knows!

This week’s printable is for all those who, like me, are too scared to even think about a personalised Christmas card for this year.

Each year I try my best to get a photo of all our kids together. I use all manner of promises, props and bribes to get them all to stop poking each other and look at the camera with some semblance of a smile at the same time. It never ends well…

I made a half hearted attempt at a Christmas photo yesterday afternoon, and the only shot that came out semi decent had the smallest with his finger up his nose and one of the girls rolling her eyes in disgust.

I give up.

I know there are lots of you out there who are having the same problem, so I’ve created a Christmas postcard template with spaces for 6 different photos.

2011 Christmas Printable Postcard Template

No more wasting hours trying to get all the kids in one photo! Just snap each kid on their own, or even choose a few of your favourite photos from during the year. Pop them into the template and you are done!

2011 Christmas printable postcard template

The template comes in a zipped folder which includes the layered template in both .psd and .tif format, as well as a .jpg image to print on the back of the postcard.

Just download and unzip the file. Open one of the layered templates (.psd works for photoshop and many other photo editing software, or .tif will work in most programs, even those that won’t open a .psd) and simply drag and drop your photos above each photo layer. Resize the photos to fit nicely and you are done. Save as a jpg and you are ready to print.

This Christmas postcard template is sized to fit Vista Print standard postcards. You can simply upload the front and back images when prompted and order your postcards. It is a fairly standard postcard size so it should fit postcards from other printing companies also, but please check with your printer before ordering. Or you could just print the front image on photo paper and attach them to blank cards.

You can download the free Christmas postcard template here

{ Please Note : I am not being compensated by Vista Print, nor am I affiliated with them in any way. I have used them to print postcards in the past and been happy with their quality and price. }

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    1. Thank you for this gorgeous template!! I’m completely clueless as to how to use it though. The online photoshop express only takes jpgs, and the front image is a tiff or psd. And aviary and the other one you recommended have both been taken offline. I tried using my windows photogallery program but that doesn’t work I think.

      Any help would be appreciated because I would LOVE to use it!

      1. Yes unfortunately they keep discontinuing all the online photo editing software and I can’t keep up!

        The best thing to edit this with is photoshop or photoshop elements. You could also use GIMP with is a free downloadable software, but there is a fairly steep learning curve. Hope that helps

        1. Ha ha, yes it’s crazy isn’t it?? Is there a way I can convert your tiff front image into a jpg then so I can use the online photoshop express? Sorry to be such a pain!!

    2. Hi Katie
      I absolutely LOVED using this template last year for our Christmas cards and got some many positive comments. Thank you so much. I am just wondering if you are you thinking of doing another for this year as I would love to use another of your designs again. Many thanks in anticipation

    3. Hi,
      Thanks for sharing your wonderful creations. The link to the postcard keeps asking for a password…is there any other way I can access it?
      Thanks Kerri-Anne :)

      1. My apologies for taking so long but I have put the zip file on my own server and updated the link – it should work fine now :)