7 random things…

I was tagged by the lovely polkadotbride for this ‘me me’. I was also tagged by someone (and now I can’t remember who, or find the comment… poop!) else back during noblopomo, and I wasn’t ignoring the tag I promise, I was just saving it for a day when I had nothing to blog about, but I have a big mouth so that didn’t happen!

Anyway here are the rules…
1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 random and or weird things about yourself.
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Ok so I am not big on rules so I will just post some random things about me and go from there!

I have done this or a similar ‘me me’ before so I may or may not have shared these wild facts about myself already, but too bad if I have!

1) I don’t mix savoury food with sweet food… ever. Jam is for pancakes or scones, not toast or sandwiches. Ditto to honey. Apricot Chicken? Sweet and Sour? What were you people thinking?

2) I am having a bad hair crisis but I hate having my hair cut and am so pathetic when it comes to fashion or beauty stuff I haven’t done anything about it except whine.

3) I am obsessed with reading blogs…. I think it is a voyeur kind of thing. I love getting little snippets into people’s lives!

4) I am addicted to these sour gummie worms that the GREAT Aunts gave the Baldy Boy for his birthday.I ate the whole packet, except for the green ones, cause as a child green food colouring made me spew so I don’t like green/lime flavoured things…. but I am so addicted that I even licked the sour sugar coating off the outside of one of the green ones just to get my fix. Now I have stopped at 5 different shops to see if they have them as I am having withdraws…

5) I just squished a mozzie on my screen and it left a huge bloody smear!

6) I still look at my girls and wonder how one earth they happened to me!

7) I often can’t remember how old I am.

Ok there you go seven weird and random facts about me. If you’d like to share some weird and random facts about yourself feel free to call yourself tagged. If you post a comment to say you have done this Me Me I will even add your name and link to this post so it looks like I actually tagged someone. Yeah I know, I am slack, but it is late and I need a shower and I have a baby who is going to wake up the second the water hits my body so there!

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    One Comment

    1. Snap- I was tagged to do this meme a month ago (I think – I am working on it -you have inspired me haha)

      2 & 3 – ditto
      I like sour worms too , my mum is addicted to them and my twins like them too – the look they pull is so
      cute.I have this thing about orange jelly lollies but not he gummy worms – Natural confectionary co. ones are my favourites.
      6- very me too – we are blessed beyond words.

      see you round…