Answering Questions…
aArgh how I wish blogger would let you collect email addresses from your commenters, then I could reply in person to the questions… but since I can’t I will make a boring post now to answer some questions. So if you asked a question and want to know the answered read on, if you didn’t ask a question or did but don’t really care about the answer… feel free to skip this post!
About my bread recipes post..
Kylie asked – “what do you do with Tortillas once you have made them. Are you meant to wrap something in them – is it a mexican sort of thingo?”
Yep it is a Mexican sort of thing LOL…. they are just like the soft tortillas or wraps you buy in the super market – old elpasso style LOL We use them for tacos and fajitas and also for making cheese melts with the left overs the day after.
Andrew asked – why are we doing this again?
We (as in me) are doing this because we live on a very small food budget… that and the fact that it is easier to make them from scratch than it is to get three children dressed, shoed and in the car to the supermarket and through the checkout without screaming, wetting their pants, spewing or having a lie on the floor tantrum about wiggles yoghurt. Something you will discover in your own good time!
On my post ‘From Zero to a Hundred’
Trace asked – Could you do some photos or a diagram to show your yard and the driveway?
Um yeah Trace you are a stalker LOL Now I suck at diagrams and estimating measurements so this is probably not going to help much but I’ll try to explain. We live on almost 10 acres of weeds. Our house is in the back left corner of the block in relation to our letter box. We have a fenced off ‘back yard’ which is about the size of your average 1/4 acre block (just the yard part) behind the house so loads of room for the girls to play. The rest of the property is out of bounds to the girls unless an adult is with them as we have an electric fence across the back paddock to keep the horses in, a dam half full of water up near the front gate and heaps of ‘farm junk’ out behind the shed (which is as big as our house! LOL).. not to mention the couple of snakes we have met out in the paddocks in the summer. From the front door to the letter box is maybe 500metres? (anyone who has been to our house want to help me out here) and the letter box is outside the front gate (which is always open) up near the road… hmmm maybe I need to go take some photos to better illustrate LOL
OK I think that’s all the questions of late… if you have some burning desire to know something or if I missed your question ask again… promise to do my best to answer them!
ETA – Anon asked if we were all home… and if by ‘home’ you mean out of hospital, yes. We got out of hospital late Sunday afternoon and came home, home Monday afternoon after I caught up on a little sleep and a lot of food. But life being what it is around here we are not staying home. home for long and are heading back to the other side of the city today (thursday) to let Baldy boy sleep :)
are you all at home now?