Ask Me Anything…

ask me anything

“Ask me anything” he said.
“I know them all, every single one!

He was so proud of himself.

Reading didn’t come easily to my smallest child, not like it did for his older siblings.
Even learning the names of the letters wasn’t easy for him, and it certainly wasn’t easy for me.
Slogging through the same super basic readers every night made him upset and frustrated, and nearly drove me round the twist!

But we kept going.

We played letter games, and rhyming games, and matching games.
We wrote letters in the sand, in shaving cream, on his hands.
We read books, and shopping lists, and magazines.

And he worked hard, determined to figure it out.

And now here we are, 6 months later,and he’s mastered all of his magic 100 words!

He sits proudly at the kitchen bench and says,
“Ask me anything!”

And so I do. I point to the word ‘around’ and he says

“Ask me anything… except that one.”

Ask me anything!

Have you got a question?

Unlike my six year old I don’t claim to know all the answers, but I promise I’ll do my best to answer your questions.
You’ll probably have better luck if your questions are somehow related to my blog, but feel free to try your chances with questions about quantum physics and the meaning life if you like!

Ask your questions in the comments below or send me an email [email protected] and I’ll answer as many as I can here on my blog over the next few weeks.

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    1. How do you manage clutter? With a craft obsessed 4 year old, a two year old destructive force and a newborn all crammed into a 2 bedroom house I find I spend a huge amount of time picking things up off the floor or tripping over them. I know we have too many toys but how do we decide what stays and what goes?

      1. The short answer is… I don’t! LOL
        I really struggle with getting rid of stuff and have done for a long time, but I’ve picked up a few tips and tricks over the years so I’ll see if I can pull together a blog post for you in the next week or two :)