Assign Positive Intent

'Assign positive intent' - it's not easy, but it makes everything easier.

In other words, think the best of everyone.

Assume that people are doing the best they can in any given moment. Assume that we are all just trying to make things work for us, rather than trying to upset everyone else. Give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

This goes for everyone – your kids, your partner, strangers you meet on the street… and especially yourself.

It’s not always easy to do, but it is worth it.

When I can find love for my screaming three year old, I deal with the tantrum in a much more effective way.

When I assume the best of my ten year old, I can see things from her perspective and stop an argument before it begins.

When I try to understand my six year old, I can avoid a battle where no one wins.

When I put myself in my partner’s shoes, I can keep my snappy comments to myself.

When I can cut myself some slack, it is so much easier to pick up the pieces and try to do better next time.

If I assume the best in everyone, the world suddenly seems like a much better place, life feels more positive, and everything feels lighter.

It’s not always easy, but if I can ‘assign positive intent’, everything is better.

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    1. This is so true!! And sometimes I am so good at it….and sometimes, not so much. I shall keep trying to do better! Thanks for the reminder!