Baby Things.
I’ve been up in the top of our giant shed…. slowly working my way through all the baby things we have stored over the years.
It’s a walk through memory lane.
A stark reminder.
A strange little thread that ties all of my children together.
There are clothes that both the girls and Muski wore. Not many, given they are different sexes, born in different seasons and were vastly different sizes as babies, but a few things. A red shirt, a pair of navy pants….
A handful of clothes, some blankets, nappies, the hammock…
Things that they shared.
Things that sew a common thread between them. That weave all of their babyhoods into one tangled mess of memory.
Things that will entangle this baby’s memories too.
Beautiful :)
*sigh* My ovaries just exploded.
baby stuff is just, the best stuff ever :)
I love baby stuff.
Aww! Precious! I have my mom’s old hope chest in my bedroom and I periodically put things in there. I can’t wait until he’s old enough to look through it with me. I used to do that when I was younger – look at the baby stuff in the hope chest that my mom had saved.
It is the most emotional expereince for me to see my baby wear clothes, or play with toys from her big sisters… all those memories come flooding back.
Beautiful pic.