Big Daddy!

At the risk of attracting all the wrong kind of google searches to my blog, and inflating the Baldy Boy’s ego beyond repair (he doesn’t read this anyway) I feel the need to share this snippet of conversation from the other day.

Izzy (watching me change Muski’s nappy) – “Mamma…..”
Me – “yes?”
Izzy – “Muski has a little penis”
Me – “Yep.”
Izzy – “Why is his penis so small?”
Me – “Um… well he is only small so he has a small penis.”
Izzy – “Oh…… Daddy’s penis isn’t small…. his penis is HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE”

They are talking about families at Kinder at the moment. Please don’t let that be the description she gives when they ask her what her Daddy looks like!

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    1. Mr Bump & I have conversations like that too.

      Especially after he was circumcised last year (for medical reasons).

      I was terrified he’d go back to preschool and whip it out in front of 20 children for show & tell! He was terribly proud of it.

    2. Sorry I just read this again and the comments and felt the need to point out there are 4 people posting here, 2 each with the same name but spelled differently! Freaky!

      K that’s all :D

    3. Well, when wolf was about 3 (and had recently met me) and was learning about the differences between girls and boys, he asked me (on a crowded trans-atlantic flight) “Mommy, do you have a scrotum?”

      also, one of my roommate’s cousin’s daughters was about 4 and saw her daddy in the buff…she then whispered to mommy “why does daddy have a ponytail on backwards?!”