Big Day

The Twinadoes started kinder (preschool) today. They ditched me as soon as we got in the door and from all accounts really enjoyed it.

When I picked them up their teacher quietly told me that Zoe had a few tears because she was sad her turn on the swing was so short. Ah yes that’s my girl, the world is coming to an end if you have to get off the swing before you are ready!

They both came home with drawings and pastings and Izzy told me that she played with a … BOY! Shock and Horror. Though Zoe told me that if she can’t marry Muski then she will have to marry Jack because the boys at her kinder are ‘yucky’ and Jack helped her off the stage at the ‘Africa Zoo’. That is only funny to those of us who know both Zoe and Jack because Jack would love nothing else than for one of my girls to hold his hand but they both generally refuse to even look at him let alone hold his hand… so it is going to be one heck of an interesting marriage!

All in all a good day and they can’t wait to go back again on Thursday. Mind you, we have had a feral feral evening with lots of tears and meltdowns. That is ok though, I expected it as they didn”t go to sleep till late last night with all the excitement and expectation, but lets hope it isn’t the same after every kinder day!

I just had to add this photo of the girls jumping on the tramp last night after the storm… and don’t worry I know it was slippery and I only let them jump long enough to take the photo, much to their disgust! Heaps of fun though!

ice jump

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    1. Sounds like the twins had a great day! The meltdowns will probably go on for a little while until they get used to it sorry (based on my experiences anyway LOL) but it will get better :).

      That is a GREAT photo!