Birthday Time Has Begun!

It has been brewing for a few weeks… but it began in earnest yesterday with the first of the birthday presents and a trip to Science Works with Daddy, Grandma, aunts and cousins.

Today the girls rode their trikes down the drive to the mail box for the last time. Even they remarked that tomorrow they’d be riding their ‘training wheels’ bikes… watching their little legs going a mile a minute, their heads madly wobbling from side to side and the trikes not going very fast at all was the end of an era! They got birthday cards in the mail from the ‘Magic Mermaid’, and were just about beside themselves with excitement!

Tomorrow is the actual birthday day but the celebrations will go all week I expect. They’ll get their special presents from us tomorrow, the bikes, and something from their little brother. Then they will go with Daddy to buy helmets to wear while riding – something they have been looking forward to for months! They have requested meatballs for a special dinner (love that every day food is special to them) and I have an extra special desert hidden away for afters…

The Wednesday is THE PARTY!
We have collected a HUGE pile of birthday party stuff and the preparations for a ‘crafty Magic Mermaid party’ for a small number of special friends is well under way – I feel like I am back teaching, cutting out shapes for pasting and organising glue sticks! I have a list of special food to make for the party and tomorrow I’ll attempt to create Magic Mermaid cup cakes! Wish me luck!

Thursday we rest – and Friday we’ll celebrate with Nanny and Bobo… are birthdays ever going to be a quiet event in this house??

The next few days blogging will probably contain few words, no time, no time, but I’ll keep up my NaBloPoMo commitments with birthday photos instead. Today I’ll leave you with the image that greeted me as I put the shopping away in the fridge… they are really a bit small to grasp the concept of a ‘sentence’ but they have pretty quickly memorised which one says ‘mother’ and which on says ‘monkey’ thanks to the Baldy Boy!

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    1. I must admit the lead up to birthday week has been a bit exciting this year the first lot of cards arrived today as well..

      So happy to hear the girls gearing up with excitement. I would really be interested in hearing your feelings tomorrow this week to when you get the chance to step back from the big cook up lol

      Hugs and happy birthing anniversary for tomorrow

    2. Happy Birthday for tomorrow Izzy and Zoe!

      Its funny how you are having a Magic Mermaid party… have you got the girls any Mermaid Magics? They are like bath bombs that have mermaids inside? We sell them in our ebay store. (sorry… a little bit of spam there!)

      Anyway, hope you have a fantastic birth week! :P
      I can’t believe they are four!