My poor girl was bitten by something over the weekend and by Monday morning the bite was swollen, red, hot and sore – obviously infected.
We’ve speculated all week about what might have bitten Izzy. Was it just a mozzie bite that she scratched and let some nasty bugs in? Or maybe a white tail spider? We’ll never know, but we do know she ended up with a major staph infection and we needed to try several antibiotics before we found one that looks like it is working.
We’ve also spent all week telling tales of being bitten by things…
I told Izzy the story of my brother claiming he’d been ‘bitten’ by a chicken when he was a kid – even though chickens have don’t have teeth.
Dad told the story of when I suddenly ran in the front door shrieking with my pants around my ankles as a paper wasp had flown up the leg of my shorts and bitten me on the thigh.
And Zoe told the story of when she was a toddler and her twin sister bit her on the bottom!
These funny, painful, crazy stories have helped my girl feel a little less like a ‘freak’ with her swollen, sore arm, and made taking the ‘disgusting revolting vomit-like’ medicine a little easier.
But we’re running out of bite stories… so I was wondering if you guys could help me out?
Have you been bitten by something?
Have you been bitten in an odd place?
Have you got a funny, interesting, crazy bite story you can share??
You may have noticed that things have changed a little around here (if you are reading via a feed reader pop over and have a look). I’ve been working behind the scenes on a design update and theme change which went live earlier this week. There are still a few gaps and tweaks that need to be done, but I’m going with the ‘done is better than perfect‘ idea.
If anyone sees anything odd, or not working, I’d really appreciate it if you could leave me a comment or send an email and let me know what the trouble is and what browser you are using. Thanks!
Poor thing!
When I was about 8 or 9 I was on holiday at Tone River with my family. An inch ant got stuck in my undies somehow and bit me several times. It hurt like hell but what added to the pain was my mum whipping my shorts and undies off to find and get rid of it in the middle of the car park. ????
Oh no! Painful and embarrassing!!!
My husband was bitten by a tiny little red ant when he was a teen, on a camping trip. It hurt like everything. What was worse – was his father teasing him over whining about a tiny ant bite…until his dad felt a bite, and realized they were camped on an ant hill :)
Oh, not a good place to camp!
I must admit we did tell Izzy it was ‘just a mozzie bite’ and to put some cream on it and go to bed the night before she woke up with a hugely infected arm… oops!
I was once in the car with my dad, having a huge row about something. I was shouting, he was shouting, my little brother was shouting. It was hideous.
At peak shouting, a bee flew in the car window, stung me on the arm and flew out again. I’m allergic to bees, so at least it ended the argument :D
Gee that was an extreme way of winning the argument! LOL
When I was 6 I was bitten by a swan. I cane too close to his nest. I am now 40 and still have the scar on my right index finger. I hope she gets better soon. Big hugs from Austria.
I was bitten by a swan once too! It managed to rip my entire fingernail off!!!
Two bite stories for you.
The first was when my cousin was four. We’d gone to a traveling fair and they had lots of animals in a petting zoo. We’d spent a happy couple of hours with goats and sheep, all very friendly and sweet. After that we passed a number of other animals they had, including an ostrich. I guess my cousin was still thinking about the petting zoo because she reached her fingers through the bars, even there was a sign saying not to. Wouldn’t you know it, the ostric reached over and bit her finger! Poor girl was miserable for the rest of the fair, even cotton candy didn’t cheer her up. At least now she can tell a story about being bitten by an ostrich, and how many other girls can do that?
The second story happened to my husband. We keep a hive of honey bees who are usually very sweet tempered. My four year old son was out in his bee suit with his dad who was just wearing a bee veil, his jeans, and a long sleeved shirt. They checked the bees and all was well. They finished and headed back to the house and didn’t notice a bee on my husbands jeans. He sat down on it and was stung. Ouch! Now bees leave their stinger where they sting, often, and this time, he left his stinger in the jeans. My four year old ran around for days shouting bee butt, bee butt!!
Oooh an Ostrich bite is an awesome story to tell!
And you gotta love how much kids love a good bum story!
Really hope your daughter’s bite heals soon! My son is allergic to mosquito bites. Whenever he has one, a tiny bite turns into a giant sore which is very hard and itchy. He will scratch it so badly that it bleeds.And the worst is we live in Singapore, where mosquitoes are plentiful. I’ve to put mosquito repellant on him every night when he sleeps and I’ve a bottle of it in our bag everywhere we go :p
My smallest boy reacts badly to mosquitoes too! I am forever having to tell people he has a mozzie bite not chicken pox! LOL
When I was 16 I went to visit an old summer camp friend and his family. Before leaving, I picked a gallon of wild raspberries from the patch in our neighborhood. His family was so excited to see me and get the gift of fresh raspberries! But before dinner was over on the first night of my visit I started itching like crazy! I had picked up more chiggers than I could count! (Chiggers are teeeeeny little bugs that burrow into your skin. They seek out dark, moist areas – i.e. panty lines!) I smeared all sorts of lotions and potions on my poor skin, but nothing really helped. I spent the entire visit trying not to scratch inappropriately! I vowed to only pick raspberries for myself in the future and I have kept that vow for almost 20 years now.
Not quite a bite, but a sting story. I grew up on the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, USA. We had a neighborhood beach and we frequently went sailing and swimming. My cousins were visiting and they went out in our little Snark sailboat, basically a bathtub with a sail. They’d been out for a little while when we heard some yelling and saw the boat turn abruptly for shore. A wave carrying a jellyfish had washed over the edge of the boat. The jellyfish sloshed right up the leg of my cousin’s swim trunks! When the boat reached the beach, he hopped out and ran to the pavilion hopping and yelling. He grabbed the can of meat tenderizer powder and started pouring it in the front of his trunks. Fortunately, our jellies have a fairly mild sting and he wasn’t in pain very long!
Oh and I can’t resist one more! This one happened when I was about 15 and my brother was 13. My family spent a week on a sailboat in the British Virgin Islands. We had caught fish for dinner and after cleaning them, Chris and I went snorkeling with a ziplock bag full of chum to feed the fish. A school of yellowtail snapper caught the scent of food and they swarmed Chris. There were so many fish I could barely see my brother anymore. They were biting anything they could reach, including my brother. I got the heck outta there! As I was about to go around on the far side of the boat, I looked back and saw him hollering at my mom (still up on deck) to take the bag. He was kicking his fins so hard to get away from the hungry fish, I swear he almost flew right out of the water! No injuries, just a bruised ego.
We had to google to find out more about ‘chiggers’ – so glad we don’t have them here!
Love the fish story… but why didn’t he just drop the bag of food and get the heck outa there?? LOL
I hope she recovers quickly! My dad has a small scar on his thigh that he’s always said is a monkey bite. I have never figured out how a monkey at a zoo got close enough to bite him on the thigh! I need to get that story out of him again.
This is less of a bite story than a pinch one. For ages I’ve been reassuring my daughter that earwigs/pincher bugs won’t hurt her. But the other day I took a bite out of a fig I had just picked from our tree. I felt a horrible pain on my lip and swatted at my face. Off flew a pincher bug that had been riding unseen of the fig. I won’t be telling her that they won’t hurt her anymore. They do too hurt!
Ouch! And earwig on your lip has gotta hurt!!!
I was bitten by a dugite snake as a toddler and am lucky to be alive! I was in an induced coma for 5 days. My mum stole the neighbour’s car to get me to the hospital. Funnily enough, I wrote a post about this story only a couple of weeks back!