
It’s been a ‘blergh‘ kind of day here today.

Nothing too horrible has happened, but nothing too fab has happened either.

You know… it was just one of those days where lots of little things just didn’t go my way…

While I put all the bedding in to be washed and vacced the girls the Twinadoes were slowly destroying our bed room, making ‘igloos’ out of the doonas and all the clothes in the dirty wash basket! Why do I bother to tidy up??

Muski was in his ‘I am the child who never sleeps’ mode and after a rotten night he had an equally rotten day with little sleep and lots of howling. At one point all three of them were screaming like their limbs were being ripped off and I was very close to joining them.

That bloody caramel coloured rabbit has been in the veggie garden eating the leaves of all my sunflower seedlings!

I tried to set the girls up to do some threading, so I could get some peace, but discovered I had to push the holes through every foam bead before they could thread them, joy! Then we moved on to a puzzle but of course the one they chose requires reading to put it together so every five seconds someone would wander in and ask ‘what does this say?’ and then forget the answer by the time they got back to the puzzle.

I couldn’t be bothered cooking dinner but I had to do it anyway.

To top it all off I nearly went insane getting our doona back into the doona cover. Tell me that a king size doona doesn’t look the same no matter which way round you put it? Deciding which way it goes in the bloody cover is impossible. I put it in, and took it out again, and put it in again, and it is still not right… I gave up… we’ll just sleep with it all wonky for tonight.

You know, as I cleaned up after dinner I discovered that perhaps there is a reason our house is out of sorts today. Yes, a terrible disease has struck down two of our most beloved family members…


Poor Caski (that is the dog) has it so bad he needs the bandage on his whole head! I am afraid that ‘cranky narkiness‘ is one of the early symptoms and that tomorrow we may all wake up with animals in our eyes… so if you don’t hear from me tomorrow you can assume the worst!

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    1. Oh geez I am so sorry Kate we sat here doing every single bead last week so that we wouldn’t have to do them each time they use them.. HUGS I hope today is a much better day and nice to see you laugh after what sounds like a horrid day!

    2. LOLOLOLOL! Animal eyes!
      Too cute and funny!
      At least you still have a sense of humour regardless of the terrible day.
      Hugs. At least you made it through.

    3. Wow, those animals look possessed! I’m so glad that isn’t how you bought them, because I was getting a bit worried!

    4. Ohyeah, I hear you on the king size doona thing. I have a little mantra depending on the cover. I am such a stresshead about it that I even write it down! eg: White cover = tag on the side. This means when I put the white doona cover on I make sure the tag for the quilt is on the side of the cover as I put it on (as opposed to being at the end where you shove it in). I go INSANE with ym king sized quilt. :o)

      Cheers, Cass