busy busy busy

This is ‘Bindi’s Zoo’ – Sorry Trace it is no longer ‘Tracey’s Zoo’, that is unless they are asking if you will take them back when we visit next year.. then it is definitely Tracey’s Zoo!

And this is part of our dinner from the other night! We had ‘super tacos’ with the lettuce and rhubarb and strawberry cobbler for desert.

So excited that we are already able to eat from our garden (with our slightly colder than average weather it is usually not till after Christmas that things start cropping) but I can’t wait till the tomatoes are the zuchinnis grow, and the cucumbers and the corn… and… we can pick a whole meal from the garden

Edited to Add this photo of Muski.. just for Master K!

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    1. Yummy strawberries..mmm
      mine are still small and green but we are eating heaps of fresh cos lettuce at the mo, and the fruit trees are looking good xx fingers crossedxx

      ooops I almost forgot I came here from tiff’s

      cheers kim

    2. How exciting to be harvesting such beautiful looking(and tasting, I trust)food. truly and example of reaping what you sow Ha!Ha!

    3. Wow, I like the look of those strawbs and the rhubarb. Yum.

      Also, your little guy is TOO CUTE!
      He looks so snuggly.