But we aren’t growing any grapes?

Man do my children know how to whine.

I wish I knew how to turn them off, or what causes it. I suspect they get it from me.. as horrid a thought as that is. I confess that I have been known to whine at them, so I am guessing they are just following my lead and whining back. Kind of a vicious cycle really because it totally does my head in and guess what.. I find myself whining at them yet again! (mental note to self, learn to stop whining!)

Izzy is the queen of whine at the moment.

This afternoon she was having a ‘moment’. She was asked if she’d like to go with Daddy to buy some cement. Yes she wanted to go with daddy… to buy a ’round torch’ (don’t ask what that is or why she wants one). Daddy explained that they were not going to the ’round torch’ shop as that was a long way and they only had time to go a short way.

The whine began.

” But I-e-I-e-I-e-I want to go-oooh-o-oooh-o to the round torch shop”

No amount of reasoning, distraction or just being straight with her helped. Tears set in along with the whine. I played ‘bad cop’ and gave her a plain choice since it appeared she’d lost the ability to make one for herself. I told her she could either go with Daddy and get cement or stay home with me and draw…. bad move!

The whining stepped up a notch. No longer were their words involved just this weird high pitched whine. It is sort of like the e-i-e-i-o bit out of Old Mac Donald’s farm but way more annoying. Just a long drawn out whinge of “oh-e-oh-e-oh-e-oh-e” then a change of pitch to more “i-e-i-e-i-e-i-e-i-e-i”

Now I taught preschool for a long time and I have met a lot of three year old whiners in my time.. but never one who manages such a musical whine, nor such an annoying one. And I swear.. this she did not get from me!

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    1. Oh dear *giggles*
      Shouldn’t laugh but the way you write these things is so amusing!

      What ended up making her decide to go?

    2. What made her go? Well her sister was going so no way could she stay home alone (with me but I don’t count!).

    3. hee hee! Today sound slike it was the day for whining and grizzling. Everyone’s blog is full of it! The stars are obviously aligned against parents today (well it is Mother’s Day after all).

    4. I think maybe we should build that second shed at your place and then we can all hide from the whining haha

    5. That is funny! The way your write it , can just see it played over in my mind’s eye. Happy Mother’s Day.

    6. Ummmm….Kate I don’t think kids ever stop, whining that is, cause mine still do it and sometimes I think Lance who is almost 16 can be the worst ;):)…..lol so I just have to *giggle* a little reading about Izzy, Queen of Whine….lol

      BTW when my kids whine….I can’t stand it, it drives me totally bonkers and I totally block my ears till it stops!