What the heck is wrong with me!
Ok sure, sometimes I struggle to fall asleep, but once I’m out I’m out, till someone, or something, wakes me up.
Not this week.
This week has been more like this…
Sometime in the middle of the night.
I’m awake.
Why am I awake?
Do I dare open my eyes and look at the clock. I can’t, I shouldn’t…
Why am I awake??
I’m hot, I need to get these covers off me.
Actually no, I’m cold.
No, I really am hot.
Two arms and two legs out – too cold.
Two arms and one leg out – ok that’s better.
Insane, paranoid thoughts run through my head regarding the safety of my children.
They are fine, you are being crazy, they are fine.
Of course they are fine, there is no reason to think otherwise.
All the kids are fine.
I sneak quietly into the kids rooms to check that they actually are fine.
They are all perfectly fine, but as I attempt to sneak out of the boys room I crash into the castle of magformers in the middle of the floor and wake up my smallest child.
“Hi Mum.”
He doesn’t seem at all confused as to why I’m sneaking around his room in the middle of the night, but he does ask to get in bed with me.
I let him.
I lie next to my blonde headed boy, watching his cherubic face as he sleeps. He is so peaceful, so beautiful, still my baby boy, surely this feeling of love and contentment will have me drifting off to sleep in no time.
The cherubic child is snoring and pushing his feet with those sharp little toe nails on to my side of the bed.
The cherubic child is breathing in my face!
I can not sleep with someone breathing in my face.
I contemplate getting up for the day.
I look at the clock and decide only insane people start the day at 4:30am.
Listening to a podcast, because I always fall asleep before the podcasts finish and never find out what happens in the end!
This will work.
Well that was an interesting podcast.
I start calculating how much sleep I have had tonight, and how much I could get if I go to sleep right now.
I am doomed.
You know what will happen… I bet I fall asleep in the next 15 minutes, half an hour before I have to get up for the day.
I wish I had placed that bet for a million dollars – then I could pay someone to do all the stuff I’m going to be too tired to do today!
I need your best advice for night waking adults!
Do you suffer from insomnia? How do you get back to sleep when you wake in the middle of the night with your head full of crazy stuff?
Crystal says
No fun! I’ve had the same problem periodically over the years. Typically if I don’t fall right back asleep and going to the bathroom didn’t fix it, I’ll read till I fall back asleep. Sometimes I read 2 pages, sometimes 2 chapters, but usually this works for me. Curious to see what suggestions other readers have in case reading doesn’t work some night :)
katepickle says
Reading would normally be my go to as well… but I am reading a really REALLY good book and I am scared if I start I won’t want to stop! LOL
Kate L says
Oh my, that seriously sounded like me Kate. Every little bit of it. No advice here I’m afraid.
katepickle says
At least we know we are not alone!
Wishing you sweet dreams tonight!
Dani says
Hi, I feel your pain! Often in the same boat. I make sure I get up do a wee, have a drink, get comfy then relax and try listing 2 girls names and 2 boys names starting at the beginning of the alphabet, I rarely get to more than half way ?. Also a pen and paper to make alist of anything that’s worrying you to do the next day, so you can shelve it til then. Final option, over the counter sleep aids, I’ve used one called Snuzaid, just a quarter of a tablet, makes me sleepy enough to get back to sleep if I wake up but with no yucky effect in the morning, but only for a couple of nights and then your body gets back into a regular cycle. The bit I need help with is when I’m grumpy as hell the next morning trying to get everything, everyone ready, normally ends in frayed tempers and tears ? then I feel awful and we regroup and start again. Oh the joys of no sleep, you think once your kids are sorted your ok…. Well I’m going to start my day with a chai and probably end it with a glass of wine ?
katepickle says
You know I’ve fallen out of the habit of writing in my brain dump journal each night, so I wonder if that has something to do with this recent bout of waking. I do need to just get everything out of my head, so I really need to pick that habit back up!
Dona Bumgarner says
Man, this has been me lately, too. I sometimes read, as Crystal suggested. But what I find works best is playing a simple puzzle game on my phone until my brain is cleared of all the noise and I start to feel sleepy again. It is kind of counter-intuitive because of the whole screens-don’t-help-sleep thing, but it works for me. My favorite for this is one called Fuzzle (iPhone, if it is still available). It is really simple, no complex strategy. Just enough to distract my brain from worrying. Usually.
katepickle says
You know I think that would work for me too. We have a strict ‘no screens after dinner’ rule in our house and I try to follow it along with the kids, but often when I can’t fall asleep because my head is full of ‘stuff’ I’ll play candy crush for a while till my brain stops yelling at me! LOL
Joy says
I’ve had insomnia since I had my first almost 3 years ago. I mean insomnia, not “the baby wakes me up” sleeplessness, but actual trouble getting to and staying asleep. Add to that trauma a year later followed by ridiculous non-stop anxiety, and crap… I think I’m now in such a sleep-debt I’m never getting out… BUT I FOUND THINGS THAT HELP. I journal before bed (either brain dump or art journal because yay painting!). Oils. Hubby got me a diffuser for Christmas, and a relaxation blend of oils, and oh my goodness… it helps knock me out a lot of nights (I’m on the look-out for an actual sleep blend). Rescue Remedy has a sleep blend that sort of helps too. Combine all those with reading a not-insanely-interesting book until I fall asleep, and on really bad nights, a body-relaxation meditation… I might just catch up eventually. Hope you find SOMETHING that helps!
katepickle says
I have heard good things about that Rescue Remedy sleep options, I must see if I can find some.
So tell me what combination of oils you use?
I’m hoping my sleep issues won’t last long, but my anxious child struggles with this stuff a lot and I’m thinking your fab suggestions might help there too!
Joy says
The brand is “In Essence” and it’s a pre-mixed “relaxation: Rest and Serenity” blend. It has lavender, bergamot, geranium, marjoram, and cedarwood in it. I’ve found using sandalwood scented fabric softener to be nice, too. And I had an all-natural lavender and clary sage scented soap next to my bed before I got the diffuser (it was cheaper at the time!) and those two are probably my favourite for calming anxiety.
katepickle says
Thanks so much! I’ll have a look and see if I can find that locally.
Ruth says
Thanks for your post – I can totally relate!
I find getting up and having a cup of tea helps me. Doing some menial task like hanging out the washing or tidying the kitchen is also good (as long as I’m not too noisy & wake the rest of the household!)
There is a mindfulness podcast I’ve listened to in bed which has sent me to sleep – it goes through each part of the body from the feet up, thinking about relaxing each section.
Prayer works brilliantly too, I ask God to help me get back to sleep, then work methodically through various people – in a kind or order – be it family, or where people sit in church, or at my work and that helps me to focus on something other than the brain chatter.
I find my phone too distracting so am best off not going on it, but as it’s by my bed, that’s quite difficult! I think I would benefit from having it over the other side of the room (except it is also my baby video monitor).
My Aunt used to listen to BBC World Service radio, but found the programmes too interesting which actually kept her awake!
I think we need different strategies at different times and it’s great to see other suggestions. Thank you.
sue says
absolutely can relate!
I have no problem going to sleep at night, but if i wake up I can rarely get back to sleep
I can recommend a magnesium supplement (so good for promoting deep sleep) & I also use this http://www.aromatherapyassociates.com/bath-and-body/collections/relax/deep-relax-balm.html
Smells so good & it has become my sleep trigger, 1 sniff & i need a lie down! I also use the aromatherapy on my kiddo – he loves it
katepickle says
Oh we have some magnesium in the cupboard but I didn’t even think to take some!
Carmen says
Well, I can relate to this story!
Especially to this: “I’m awake. Why am I awake?”
Sometimes – I just don’t know!
Thank god it’s getting better the last couple of weeks – I hope for you too!
Greetings from Germany