These sticky gooey, monster rice bubble treats are really easy to make, they don’t require any baking, and they’re perfect for a Halloween party This is a great Halloween treat for kids to cook! And if the kids are going to make a mess in the kitchen, it may as well be a big, sticky, […]
Rhubarb Tea Cake Recipe.
This rhubarb tea cake is easy to make and is a perfect afternoon tea treat! Lately it seems like I’ve been baking the same old things again, and again, and again. I know my kids love muesli bars and cookies, but I’ve made those so many times I know the recipes by heart, and I’m […]
Cornflake Cookies
There are some things that just take me back to my childhood in an instant – the smell of a real pine Christmas tree, the sound of Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf played on a slightly scratched vinyl record, and the taste of my Mum’s cornflake cookies. As soon as I bite into one of […]
Kids Can Cook – Homemade Popsicles
This summer started off slow, then got decidedly cold and grumpy during the holidays and has only now come good with some decent warm weather! Instead of complaining about the not so summery summer holidays we are making the most of these late warm days and holding on to summer as much as we can. […]
Sprinkle Sticks!
It’s been a busy long weekend, with Easter, an important birthday, and an impromptu bonfire party with friends. It’s been one of those weekends where you feel happily exhausted by the end of it. With school back tomorrow we planned a quiet day today. I did five loads of laundry, cooked a roast dinner, and […]
Twelve Things to Cook This Christmas.
I don’t know why, but I always get the urge to bake things at this time of year. It’s a little crazy considering it has just started to get hot here, and we are crazy busy, so standing in front of a hot stove isn’t exactly relaxing, but still…. there is something about Christmas that […]
Big, Fat, Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe
Do your kids chop and change their minds about what they will and won’t eat in their school lunches?? My girls will happily eat fruit slice every day for a month, and then suddenly, one day they bring it home untouched declaring that they don’t like it, it’s disgusting and if I ever dare put […]
Rice Bubble Treat Easter Eggs!
These rice bubble treat Easter eggs are a fun sweet treat to make with your kids, and a great homemade Easter gift to give to friends and family. Rice Bubble Treat Eggs are a fun and easy-to-make Easter treat that everyone will love. These adorable egg-shaped treats are made with puffed rice cereal (rice bubbles, […]