Chapter Books by Awesome Aussie Authors.

“There are so many awesome books, and not enough time to read them!”

That’s what my nine year old told me the other night when we were chatting about books, and my girls agreed with him, and so did I!

We were writing a list of books by Australian authors – books we’ve read and loved, and books we can’t wait to read – and there were just so many amazing chapter books by awesome Aussie authors that our list quickly got out of control!

This list just has some of those great books, if we’d included them all this post would go on forever!

20 chapter books by awesome Aussie authors - with suggestions for beginning readers right through to young adult fiction

We’ve tried to arrange the books into some suggested age groups, but it’s not always easy to categorise them, so if you are unsure about whether or not your child is ready for a pareticular book have a quick read yourself, or ask friends for their thoughts.

We’ve included Amazon and booktopia links (where available) These are affiliate links – if you buy a book I get a small commission (so we can buy more books!) at no extra cost to you, thanks for your support.

For Young Readers (6-8 year olds)

Chapter books by Aussie Authors - Billy B BrownBillie B. Brown series by Sally Rippin, illustrated by Aki Fukuoka

The first Billie B. Brown books were firm favourites when my girls were little. Lots of fun stories about Billie and her best friend Jack and how they tackle every day situations and problems. With not to many words on a page and lots of pictures, they are perfect as a first chapter book.
Find out more: Amazon or Booktopia

Chapter books by Aussie Authors - Hey JackHey Jack by Sally Rippin, illustrated by Stephanie Spartels

Jack is Billie B Brown’s best friend, and he’s got his own book series which is just as good as Billie’s for beginning readers. Fun stories with little life lessons built in, easy to read text and lots of pictures.
Find out more: Amazon or Booktopia

Chapter books by Aussie Authors - Horse Crazy SeriesHorse Crazy Series by Alison Lester, illustrated by Roland Harvey

Alison Lester is one of our favourite picture book authors, and her Horse Crazy series of books are just as good. Great stories about best friends Sam and Bonnie who live in a country town in Australia and who love horses, and lots of lovely pictures too.
Find out more: Amazon or Booktopia

Chapter books by Aussie Authors - RascalRascal The Dragon by Paul Jennings, illustrated by Bob Lea

Every kid would like a dragon for a pet right? Rascal and his owner Ben get up to all sorts of fun in these great early chapter books.
Find out more: Amazon or Booktopia

Chapter books by Aussie Authors - TashiTashi by Anna Feinberg, illustrated by Kim Gamble

Before my big boy read Harry Potter, he read, and adored, Tashi. The Tashi books have lots of adventure, excitement, and magic with brains triumphing over brawn! These books are probably best suited to the older end of this age group and they are great for reading aloud too.
Find out more: Amazon or Booktopia


For Middle Readers (8-12 year olds)

Chapter books by Aussie Authors - Toad RageToad Rage and the Toad Series by Morris Gleitzman

The main character in this series of books is a cane toad, one of the ugliest creatures on earth, but Limpy is such a great character you kinda forget how gross he is!
Morris Gleitzman has written loads of awesome books for middle readers – my kids also loved Blabber Mouth, Worm Story, and Aristotle’s Nostril.
Find out more: Amazon or Booktopia

Chapter books by Aussie Authors - Our Australian GirlOur Australian Girl Series by various authors.

There are over 40 books by various authors in this series of historical fiction. My girls couldn’t get enough of them when they were around 10 as they feature strong characters and interesting stories. There is also a ‘boy version’ of this series called Do You Dare? which is also great.
Find out more: Amazon or Booktopia

Chapter books by Aussie Authors - The Treehouse booksThe Tree House Books by Andy Griffiths, illustrated by Terry Denton

The most amazing treehouse in the world is 78 stories now and there are five books in this funny series and all of them are full of loads of cool illustrations.
Find out more: Amazon or Booktopia

Chapter books by Aussie Authors - Little FurLittle Fur by Isobelle Carmody

Little Fur is half elf and half troll and along with her friends she embarks on a great quest to save the trees. This is a lovely ‘eco-fantasty’ story, the first in a series of three books.
Find out more: Amazon or Booktopia

Chapter books by Aussie Authors - The Mapmaker ChroniclesThe Mapmaker Chronicles by A L Tait

We were sent a copy of the first book by the author and man did we love it. Both my (then) 8 year old and I just couldn’t get enough of this great adventure story. There are three books in this series and a little bird told me there will be more soon!
Find out more: Amazon or Booktopia

Chapter books by Aussie Authors - Rowan of RinRowan of Rin Series by Emily Rodda

A fabulous main character, interesting mythical world and loads of mystical beasts, this is a great series of books and all of them are lovely to read aloud too.

Find out more: Amazon or Booktopia


For Older Readers (13+)

Chapter books by Aussie Authors - My PlaceMy Place by Sally Morgan.

This autoboigraphy follows the story of the author who discovers she is of mixed aboriginal decent at age 15 and is intent of finding out more about her history, and the history of aboriginal Australia. I read this at high school and loved it, and so did my girls when they read it.
Find out more: Amazon or Booktopia

Chapter books by Aussie Authors - Two WolvesTwo Wolves by Tristan Bancks

A thrilling adventure with fabulous characters. This book will keep you on the edge of your seat the whole time!

Find out more: Amazon or Booktopia

Chapter books by Aussie Authors - Once

Once, Then, Now, After and Soon by Morris Gleitzman

Set during (and after) the second world war, this beautiful series of historic fiction books will make you cry as you fall in love with the characters and their stories.

Find out more: Amazon or Booktopia

Chapter books by Aussie Authors - Tomorrow When the War BeganThe Tomorrow Series by John Marsden
There are seven books in this dystopian fiction series that is set in Australia. They will keep you reading for a while!

Find out more: Amazon or Booktopia


For Young Adult Readers

Chapter books by Aussie Authors - Obernewtyn Chronicles

The Obernewtyn Chronicles by Isobelle Caromody
I read the first book in this fantasy/dystopian series when I was a teenager, and I had to wait till I was 42 before the last book was released! But it was worth the wait! Great characters and awesome plot twists will have you hooked on this seven book series.

Find out more: Amazon or Booktopia

Chapter books by Aussie Authors - The Matilda Saga

The Matilda Saga by Jackie French

The five books in this series are great stand alone novels in their own right. Fabulous stories, with strong female characters, from key times in Australian history.

Find out more: Amazon or Booktopia

Chapter books by Aussie Authors - Illuminae

Illuminae: The Illuminae Files_01 – by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

This book is a combination of interesting writing techniques, amazing images, and a good story. There are three books in the new series, but we’ve only read the first one so far.

Find out more: Amazon or Booktopia

Chapter books by Aussie Authors - When We WakeWhen We Wake and While We Run by Karen Healey

This two book series is set in Victoria, Australia, and has you imagining a world were global warming has already happened, and now they are waking people who have been frozen! A great young adult dystopian read.

Find out more: Amazon or Booktopia

Chapter books by Aussie Authors - Nona and Me

Nona and Me by Clare Atkins.

This story about friendship, race and multiculturalism, set in a Northern Territory town is on our ‘want to read list’.

Find out more: Amazon or Booktopia

Have you got a favourite Aussie author or book?

Leave a comment below and let us know what other Aussie chapter books we should add to our ‘must read’ list.

Aussie picture books

If you have little ones and are looking form some fabulous picture books by Australian authors, check out this great list from Childhood101


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    1. Favourite Aussie chapter books in our house (for around 8 yrs old) include:
      Jack Russell Dog Detective series by Sally & Darryl Odgers. They have written several series from the point of view of dogs, but the Jack Russell are my son’s faves, while I prefer the series with the vet.
      Also animal related are the RSPCA Animal Tales series. These are NOT the poor lost in the snow puppy type books. These ones have 2 main child characters – an animal-loving girl & a boy who’s dad is the local vet. There’s no bad guys, no abandoned pets, just some kind of pet-related mystery.
      And for a “I thought it looked terrible but was pleasantly surprised” series, check out the Robert Irwin Dinosaur Hunter books. I know, right! Main characters the right age, no bad guys, but time travel & exploration. No knowledge of the real life Irwin family required.
      My son hates many popular books (or tv or movies) because he finds bad guys & conflict etc upsetting, but these books he has re-read many times.
      Oh and don’t forget Anh Do’s Weirdo books!

    2. What a great post!!
      There are a lot of wonderful books you’ve mentioned (the Morris Gleitzman Once series is a favourite in our household!)
      I’m not sure if you’ve heard of Toby The Teddy’ it’s a book that teaches children about emergencies, and how/when to dial 000. It’s a really good resource book.
      I review a lot of children’s and adults books so you’re welcome to follow my blog. I have just posted a giveaway too for 2 books from the Jinny & Cooper range. They are really great books for readers 7+

    3. I hate to admit that I only know one Aussie author and book: The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.

      But then: my oldest daughter and I agree that it’s one of the best books ever written (and the reason why she would like to visit Australia — must be a great country, she says, if it is the home of such an awesome and talented writer, ;-).)

    4. Oh, and before I came to China… I hadn’t even met more than one or two Aussies in my whole life, :-). But here I have been able to meet a few — and they are all wonderful people, some of which have become my friends, ;-).