Chocolate Fudge Cookies

We tried on a new cookie recipe for size the other day.

My big boy and I were looking for a chocolate cookie we could give as a gift, so we needed to be able to make a lot of them with little effort, they needed to be delicious, and, they needed to be wheat free for one of the people on our list.

I’m not good at gluten free or wheat free cooking.

I just don’t have enough experience or skill to master flour alternatives and all the cakes and cookies I’ve attempted come out tasting a lot like cardboard.

So I was a little, ok a lot, apprehensive when I discovered these baked gifts needed to be wheat free and I was thinking a book of chocolates would do nicely, but my boy insisted he (and by that I mean we) had to bake something. So I scrolled through pinterest and flipped through some cook books and found two recipes that we somehow managed to magically combine and turn into something awesome!

Chocolate fudge cookies - an easy gluten free cookie recipe

These chocolate fudge cookies are flourless so that cut out the whole wheat thing out entirely, and they end up all gooey and fudgey in the middle and crinkly and crisp on the outside.

A few tips before you start…

  1. You need an electric mixer, and you need to beat the mixture for a good five minutes or more, don’t scrimp on the beating.
  2. You really need to cook these as soon as possible after you mix them, otherwise all that beaten air falls out of them and they go all funny. They are still delicious, but they don’t look pretty. If you don’t have lots of baking trays, or room in your oven, you might be better to halve the recipe.
  3. Do not over cook them! They will come out all soft and gooey, but they’ll firm up, I promise. Ten minutes is enough!
Chocolate fudge cookies - an easy gluten free cookie recipe

Flourless Chocolate Fudge Cookies

Yield: 30
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 25 minutes

These chocolate fudge cookies are flourless and they end up all gooey and fudgey in the middle and crinkly and crisp on the outside.


  • 40 gm butter
  • 250 gm dark chocolate
  • 2 eggs
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar
  • 3 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 50 gm dark chocolate, chopped


  1. Preheat your oven to 190 Celsius and line four large baking trays ready to go.
  2. Put the chocolate in a microwave safe bowl and zap it for 30 seconds, or until it begins to melt.
  3. Add the butter to the melting chocolate and stir well. Zap in the microwave for another 10 seconds and stir again. Continue to do this until the chocolate has all melted and the butter is incorporated – but be careful not to over heat!
  4. In a large bowl combine the eggs and sugar and using an electric mixer beat on high speed for five minutes or until the mixture doubles in size and it falls from the beaters in ‘ribbons’.
  5. Fold in the chocolate and butter mixture and the cocoa, and gently fold in the extra chopped chocolate.
  6. Spoon dollops of mixture onto your lined trays leaving lots of room for spreading.
  7. Bake for ten minutes, and no longer!
    The cookies will be very soft when you take them out of the oven, leave them to cool on the trays and they will firm up.


  1. You need an electric mixer, and you need to beat the mixture for a good five minutes or more, don’t scrimp on the beating.
  2. You really need to cook these as soon as possible after you mix them, otherwise all that beaten air falls out of them and they go all funny. They are still delicious, but they don’t look pretty. If you don’t have lots of baking trays, or room in your oven, you might be better to halve the recipe.
  3. Do not over cook them! They will come out all soft and gooey, but they’ll firm up, I promise. Ten minutes is enough!

Please note: this recipe uses Australian measurements and cooking temperatures, if you need to convert measurements or temperatures this website is useful.

Chocolate fudge cookies - an easy gluten free cookie recipe

I still can’t believe these chocolate fudge cookies turned out so well.

I ate four just to make sure, and they really are good.

Have you got a great gluten free or wheat free recipe that you can rely on?

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