Clever Clogs!

I just love the way my girls think… the way all little kids think.

They are so logical, so practical, there are no exceptions to the rule… if they know one thing, then another similar thing must work in the same way, and are called the same thing.

“Can we go on the weigh-er at Nanny’s” – asked Izzy. Of course, if the thing (scales) weighs you then it must be called a ‘weigh-er’.

“I have to be careful Mama, this plate is break-ful’ – says Zoe, because if something of beauty is ‘beautiful’ then something that breaks must be ‘break-ful’

I keep getting flash backs to when I was studying child development – it’s like I can suddenly see the text books in motion, right before my eyes!

In other news – if – no WHEN- When I get my new domain name email  sorted I promise I will reply to your comments via email – but for now, for some reason I can receive email but not send any. Must put in another support ticket to my lovely new web host and get one of their sweet talking tech guys (the last one told me I must be good looking because my kids were gorgeous! The sales guy told me how talented and creative I was when he found out I was a digi scrapper… suck-ups? of course!) to sort me out.

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    1. Ah I love how kids navigate the language like that – their logic is faultless LOL We have been all soppy over Audrey picking up a toy lawn mower whilst Christmas shopping and calling it a “mow” – cause you don’t call the thing that cleans floors the vacuumer LOL

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