Corners of My Home.

There is a group on Flickr called ‘Corners of My Home‘ where everyone posts photos of, well, corners of their home. I love wasting hours and hours looking at these images. These people have the coolest funkiest things in their homes!

I especially love the family homes where the kids stuff seems to fit seamlessly with the adult stuff and look cool at the same time. Or the images of kids room that are just so awesome and fun, and clever and comfy looking all at the same time. Like this one.. or this one… Mostly these are not ‘super in, posh, vouge, better homes and gardens’ type homes, they are more eclectic, funky, ‘I’ve got natural style’ kinds of homes and they really appeal to me.

I want corners on my home that look like them!

Sadly the corners in my home look more like piles if laundry that is still waiting to be put away after it was washed last week. Or a layer of dust on poor Ganesh sitting on the shelf that advertises the fact that I do not own a duster. Or the piles and piles of papers on my desk, or the piles of ‘junk’ on the kitchen bench.

Not to mention the girl’s room – it has vague aspirations to funkiness. They have quite cool metal beds from Ikea and the worlds most gorgeous handmade (with love to boot) quilts on their beds. They have some really cool things on their shelf too…. but all the coolness is kind of over shadowed by the fact that their curtain is still a fleece blanket attached with clothes pegs, and that the wardrobe is missing it’s door, and that there is usually piles of toys all over the place, and yes more laundry that needs to be put away. It would take me the whole day to tidy up their room enough to even get it close to being ‘photo-worthy’.

But I guess having the ‘perfect’ tidy house isn’t really the point is it.

One day we will renovate, Muski will get his own room and we will get built in wardrobes, a nice big family room that overlooks a wide veranda and a laundry (our washing machine is just plugged in next to the back door, so no wonder our houseis full of washing!). Right now? Right now our house is small and untidy, all the time. Our house is lived in and loved.

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    1. Doesn’t look like Sadie has much fun…. but have to love that rug.

      At one stage when we had been renovating for 3 or 4 years (including going 2 kms to caravan park for shower)- a friend said she would never want to regard her house as done, because it was the process. I now think that too.

      Just last night, as i tried to contain all animal hair(impossible when a hairy white cat and an extra hairy cavalier live here)in anticipation of some special but allergic visitors,I decided to rearrange the living room and today I am going to try to buy a new shelf for DVDs.

      I love making small arrangements. However I think Australian painter Margaret Olley is a master. Much of her recent work is painted still life from her house. I’d love to pick up three things and add a bunch of flowers and capture all the colour in the world

    2. Hmm – I have twin boys 17months -our home is littered with toys and anything else ‘Captain Chaos'(I stole this) and his sidekick happen to find and trash.
      I thinking of renaming where I live to Trashville, Toddlerown.
      Sadly the corners in my home look more like piles if laundry that is still waiting to be put away after it was washed last week. Or a layer of dust on poor Ganesh sitting on the shelf that advertises the fact that I do not own a duster. Or the piles and piles of papers on my desk, or the piles of ‘junk’ on the kitchen bench.
      have you been peeking in my windows ?
      I agree as long as the kids are happy and loved -nothing else matters,