Crazy Baby Songs and Finger Plays

There is nothing better than hearing your baby giggle, and Muski is pretty easy to make giggle. He has the funniest little chuckle and just pulling a face can set him off. But one thing that really gets him going is when I sing or say rhymes with actions. Perhaps he is just laughing at my hideous voice, or because I look like such a fruit cake, but either way, it is still fun!

Here are a few of our favourite, chuckle-worthy, crazy-silly baby songs and finger plays.

Five Fat Sausages
Five fat sausages sizzling in a pan
(hold up your five fingers and wiggle them a bit)
Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle
(rub hands together to make a sizzle noise)
One, went, BANG!
(clap loudly)
Four fat sausges sizzling in a pan… and so on.

Riding the Horsey Songs
Any song about a horsey can be sung while the little giggle-pot rides on your jigging knees but here is out current favourite…
Horsey Horsey don’t you stop,
Just let your heals go clippity clop.
Let your tail go swish,
and your wheels go round.
We’re homeward bound!

I’d like to take a horse and buggy,
I’d like to travel through the town.
I’d like to hear old Dobbin’s clip clop,
I’d like to see those wheels go round.

The Bee Hive
Here is the Beehive (hold your hand as a closed fist)
Where are the bees??
Hiding away where nobody sees.

Are you bees ready to come out of their hive???
One bee! (count on your fingers)
Two bees!
Three, four, five!
Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (‘fly’ fingers around while madly buzzing!)

Round and Round the Garden
I am sure you remember this from when you were a kid?? It involves tickling which is sure to get you a chuckle!

Round and round the garden like a teddy bear
(draw circles on palm or hand or other part of baby)
One step, two step,
(walk fingers up arm or along body)
Tickle under there!

Same actions – different words…
Round and Round the garden like a little mouse.
Once step, two steps…
Run inside your house!

Can you keep a secret?
I don’t suppose you can!
You mustn’t laugh,
You mustn’t cry,
Do the best you can!

Build a House!

Here’s a house with a wall,
With a wall,
With a wall.
(put arms up as a wall)
Here’s a house with a floor,
With a floor,
With a floor.
(lay arms flat like a floor)
Here’s a house with a roof,
With a roof,
With a rooooooooooof…
(build a roof with your arms then wobble it about)
(crash arms into lap)
There’s no house any more, any more.
There’s no house any more!

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    1. We do the Beehive one at playgroup…

      I have a variation on the horsey one from playgroup too…

      While bouncing on knees…

      All I want is a little pony
      Jig jog jig jog jigga jog jig
      Not too fat and not too bony
      Jig jog jig jog jigga jog jig
      All I want is to go for a ride
      Far out in the countryside
      With a jig jog jig jog jig jog jig jog
      Jig jog jig jog jigga jog jig

    2. Thanks for the trip down memory lane and the song ideas. How cute are these songs! Ah! Some days I think it would be great to be a kid again!

    3. We used to play a game with 2 people and 4 sticks to click the sticks in time with “horsy, horsy”. Wondering if anyone remembers this routine?