Crazy and Scary

It's not who you are that is holding you back, it's how you think you are not.  Free printable A4 poster

Ps – Click on the image above to print it as an A4 poster, it prints without the border or logo.

Things have been crazy at our house lately.

So many places I need to be, things I need to do, and kids I need to hug.

I don’t feel like I have been managing the crazy very well. In fact in the last few months I have considered whether I should even be attempting to manage the crazy at all. I’ve felt like giving in to the crazy.

I’ve felt like giving up.

It’s easy to give up when you are tired, or busy, or scared.
It’s easy to give in to the idea that it’s not worth the hassle, or that you’re not good enough, or that it simply won’t work out.
It’s easy to listen to the negatives.

But when my kids feel like giving up I tell them to “start small”.
And when they are scared I ask them “What’s the worst thing that could happen? And would it kill you if it did?”.

So here I am, doing just that… putting one foot in front of the other and taking small steps, small forward steps.

I’m attempting to get on top of the craziness, to get organised, and not let the lists overwhelm me.

I’m promising myself that I will not sweat the small stuff.

And I’m going to do things that scare me…

Well I am going to try to anyway, because being scared is not who I really am.

What ‘scary thing’ have you done lately?

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    1. I feel like everything is small steps forward at the moment too, and some towards scary stuff, but the actually scary thing would be staying still and finding us in the same place in a few years when we should have progressed! I am excited to see where we all end up :) I hope to see a prep classroom with lots of picklebum printables in it in my future LOL

    2. You can! I’m so happy that I’ve discovered your blog and it’s inspiring to hear about ways that others solve these problems. None of us can do it all and you are 200 steps ahead when asking for help. Good for you and I’m sure the jitters will be rewarded. Keep up the great work!

    3. Hi! I found your treasury yesterday while googling some fun things to do with my boy.

      I’m so thankful for people like you that could “just” be the awesome mother you are, but them you decide to share your awesomeness and make moms around the world a little bit awesomer.

      Can’t thank you enough.

