Dancing Princesses

The Twinadoes went to their first ballet lesson last night.
Ballet Girls
A not very good photo of them with their neat ‘ballet hair’ before we left.

Decked out in ‘dancing clothes’ and their fluffy slippers they ran around on ‘demi points’ (tip toes for those not up with all the ballet lingo), made ‘sensitive hands’ (learning to make soft arm and hand movements), practised pointing their toes, learnt to stand in first position, did pliés (knee bends while standing in first position), did fairy jumps (which were a tad more like elephant jumps), played the hiding snail game and did a lots of running around in circles and lines.

When the half hour was up they both rushed over to where Muski and I was sitting and Izzy, in true Izzy style exclaimed,
“That is the best thing I have ever done!!!!”

So I think it is safe to say that they loved their first ballet lesson and that they are counting the hours until they can go again. They are also mildly annoyed with me for not letting them do this months ago – though I have my doubts that they would have enjoyed it quite so much a few months back, whereas yesterday they ran off to join the group of girls they didn’t know and listened to their teacher (who they had never met) without a care in the world.

Thankfully we lucked out and the only ballet class we could find on a day we could attend is lovely and layed back. They don’t have to wear a special (and expensive) uniform, and there is no pressure (for me or them) of concerts and costumes, just lots of lovely dancing. Though I can see that a little spark may have been lit and that next year they will be ready to go with the ‘real deal’ and I’ll be up sewing sequins on costumes and wondering how to put mascara on a five year old before I know it.

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    1. I love little girls dancing. I am hanging o ut for the day Ivy can start.
      All my girls have danced since they were three.
      Glad to hear it was the best thing ever for Izzy!

    2. I’m glad the girls loved their class. I was watching my daughter’s class today and found myself grinning away. Then I realised it wasn’t all the little girls having a ball that was making me smile, it was the teacher having a ball :-) They can make such a difference!

    3. Whoohoo!!!

      I desperately wanted to learn ballet when I was a child but Mum was ” …not having any little Shirley Temples in this family”. So armed with a book given me by my aunts I practised the foot positions against the five strand wire fence on the wind driven plain at Nerrin Nerrin.

      Of course I couldn’t wait to send Sarah to ballet class. First week fine. Second week “No I don’t want to go, I did that last week.”

      So I’ll be more than happy to sew sequins,paint sets, rig lights whatever.

    4. My preschooler currently does Creative Movement (dance) but has started talking about ballet. I have been a bit scared of it because of all the stories about the strictness and the concerts etc. I might have to look around for a more lay back approach too.

    5. Lovely picture… and not to worry soon they’ll be putting mascara on eachother… lol.. My twins are only 8months, but I have twinadoes to… I call them Taz 1 and Taz 2… I’ve been blessed with a set of spazzoids..

      Thanks for sharing your story..

    6. Pingback: Flickr Friday - Dance