Another book torn to pieces…. they are almost four not two…. and they love books, it makes no sense at all.
Every pair of pyjama’s they own in a pile on the floor…. how many pairs of PJs can two children wear in 30 minutes?
The clothes they started out wearing… wet from them flicking their drinks at each other….
Threading pieces, duplo and Dr’s set, all behind the couch along with a nice hole gouged in the plaster with two glow stick stuck in it
Every dress-up out of the basket and on the floor.. or on every soft toy they own, covering their beds.
Their doonas on the floor in the bed room, their quilts on the floor in the hallway….
Mushroom stems behind the blue chair after they ate a whole bag of mushrooms stolen from the fridge.
You’d think I’d left them alone in the house for 6 hours if you saw the destruction, yet it all happened in the space of time it took me to bath and then feed Muski… maybe 40 minutes?
I am so so soooooo not coping with this, I have yelled, I have threatened, I have tried to explain what it means to look after things, to waste things, and now I am getting rid of toys…. a last ditch attempt to keep it under control by not having so many things to destroy?
Please tell me I am not the only one with children who destroy everything? Please? Someone? Anyone?
loz says
Alright we can compare notes I promise the difference being I have 1 4yo not 2 but I have an 18month old who will copy or be big brothers minion!! Hard to believe but I swear the 2 of them have been conspiring already ;) Food being the biggest one the mere mention of something to eat that E knows I have said no or enough to and then K will start ‘mumma me want i-sream’ (ice-cream)
Destruction this is exactly why I am culling as my 2 little monkeys can destroy the lounge in the time it takes to go to the toilet or have a shower. Which brings to me to my next point I was just saying to Dh the other day that i am not stressed about K when I have a shower it is E that I am worried about as to what he will get up to in regards to the things he is doing atm when I am around so hearing that your girls are up to similar things sets my mind at ease a tad tbh shall talk to you more about it but I just wanted to say I so hear you and if I could take a picture of my lounge room right now without my pride setting in I would lol
Jodie says
{Hugs}… Gosh I feel for you, cannot imagine coping with the mess from two almost four year olds. If it is any consolation Miss B can apparently wear five fairy dresses and Mr J can spread Lego across the entire lounge floor in the time it takes me to hang out two loads of washing. Oh and today they decided to wash the cubby house for me… the inside… with a hose! You are not the only one.
fazzbech says
My 2.5yo destructive…hmmm, no, just messy at times, so I can’t help you too much there, but if it is any consolation, I’m wondering if I’m the only one with such a tantrum throwing, whining, button-pushing, infuriating child at the moment? ;-)
Kylie says
Oh Kate – I feel your pain!!!!! My only advice is to follow through and be consistent with whatever you say to them! I find that taking away the favourite toy for a day, AND putting them in the corner (separately) – tends to work! Oh – and if that fails – threaten to throw them both in the bin!!!!!
Nic,Beren & Freya says
I find threatening to throw a favourite toy in the bin or hiding in the cupboard for a day or two usually works for me when Im desperate.
Anonymous says
I am hopeless – even with the dog. but… when baldy boy was very little (4-5)he and his brother and sister were staying with nanna and pop. His older bro was told to do something and the always helpful S whispered ” She means it James – she really means it”
I suspect it is getting to the time when in order to teach the girls to discipline themselves you have to be really tough – not too logical but definite – and mean it!!!!
Too hard for me, especially when gving in to anger is not OK. They destroyed a book???? uuugh
4 little ducks says
Hey Kate, I think my son is trying to “help” you in your attempts at decluttering. He has “lifted” one of the girls cars from our visit the other day, found it in his jeans pocket!! Shall get it back to you when I see you next.
Oh and don’t worry, my kids are terrible at destroying and wrecking all manner of things, books, toys, couches….they aren’t picky!
HipbubbyMama says
Ah Kate ((hugs))) I too feel your pain. My kids are completely destructive. Not in an actual “breaking” things way-but OMG THE MESS! It’s just completely hopeless. I’ve mostly given up LOL.
It can’t last forever I am sure!! :D
Zebette says
I could have written that first sentence myself. I am almost reduced to tears at times seeing books constantly trashed, beautiful books that should be cherished and looked after with the covers hanging off and bits of pages missing.
I have twins barely younger than yours so you know I can feel your pain with how fast mess and mischief appears. I can’t wait for Kindy to start and maybe someone there can teach them to look after toys because I obviously suck at teaching them that.
On the plus side the discipline is getting much better now I have worked out how to handle each one of them differently. Base your discipline techniques on the girls individually..I find shouting at Scarlett works but shouting at Joe makes him shout back so I use a gentler approach.
You know where I am if you want to talk twin discipline!
Belinda says
Oh dear I am not alone!! Rest assured that your life & mine sound VERY similar! Amazing what mess they can make & what they can do in the space of 5 mins! I feel your pain LOL.