Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff - parenting wisdom and a free printable A4 quote poster

Don’t worry if your floors are filthy.

It doesn’t matter if the kids don’t get bathed every single night.

Who cares if you can never find a pair of matching socks.

Don’t stress if the laundry basket is never empty.

It’s not the end of the world if you serve the same lunch every single day.

Don’t worry if your three year old occasionally swears in public, or if your six your old has a melt down at the shops or if your ten year old declares how much she hates you in front of the entire school.

These are little things, really they are.

Sometimes these little things can feel like big huge mountains that we will never conquer, but that is just how it feels when you are standing right in front of them. That is just how they feel when you are in that moment, tired and stretched to your limits.

I promise that when these moments are behind you, when you’ve had a little more sleep, and a little more time, and a little more perspective, you’ll see that these are small things.

Almost everything that feels big and bad and guilt ridden will eventually be shown up as kinda small and not so important down the track. Time has a happy knack of doing that.

So while you wait for the mountain to shrink just keep going, just keep putting one step in front of the other and try not to sweat the small stuff.

What are you struggling with right now?
Can you see a time when it will be a ‘small thing’?

Click on the image above to download the ‘don’t sweat the small stuff’ quote as a free printable A4 (letter sized) poster. The poster image does not have my logo on it :)

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    1. Thankyou for the reminder! It is important to step back and realize that those moments that upset us really are only small in the grand scheme of things…Hard to recognize this at the time, but would ease alot of ‘parental guilt’ if we could, I imagine! As a single mum of four (two teenagers, an 11yr old and a kindy kid), it is all too easy to fall into the trap of feeling like a bad mum ~ thankyou for the peace of mind tonight :)

    2. Thank you for your post. The timing was brilliant as I read this shortly after having a mini meltdown by myself(fortunately) as I was feeling soooo overwhelmed by everything today. It made me breath and smile! Thank you.