Dream a little dream…
I’ve just been reading about a friends lovely insightful dreaming husband and it made me think about my own dreams last night….
I don’t think I ever have insightful dreams.
I hope last nights dreams were not predictors of the future as in the short snatches of sleep that I got all I dreamt about was one of the girls drowning and being chased by a pack of lions… That is a really simplified version of the dreams they were much more complex than that and they bordered on nightmares… except that when the horrible parts happened I think I sort of knew I was dreaming just took me a while to wake myself up and make it stop…
That is pretty common for me and dreaming… they are either full on ‘freak out wake up with heart racing’ nightmares or they start out all nice and suddenly turn horrible horribly wrong. What the heck does that say about my psyche????
Ahh hopefully dreams don’t often mean much at all… a s aresult of a different thread there I dreamt last night that I was leaving SH for Ex and woke up shuddering!!! LOL.