Enjoy Your Distractions

Enjoy your distractions while you still have them!

I was going to write a post about independent play today, or perhaps share my thoughts on helicopter parenting…

But the words won’t come out right.
My thoughts are all jumbled.
I can’t think straight.

I am distracted…

I am distracted by my big boy cooking himself an omelet.

I am distracted by a line of cars that stretches across my living room floor.

I am distracted by an 11 year old girl who has just finished the first Hunger Games book and needs to talk about it.

I am distracted by the new seed catalogue that is calling my name.

I am distracted by my small boy trying to get the words ‘Wingardium Leviosa’ out of his mouth while throwing a feather up in the air.

I am distracted by life… by my wonderfully messy, imperfect life.

Sometimes distractions should be avoided, but sometimes, distractions should be embraced.

There will be other days to write, when everyone is at school and preschool, when their teenage hormones make them no longer care so much about my input or opinions, when they have grown up and moved away…

But right now I will turn off this computer and enjoy my distractions while I still have them.

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    1. Kate you are so right. Its important to put down what you are working on and what you think is important and spend some more time with the kids. I need to remind do this myself more. Time will really fly and we will all wish that we should have spent more time with these little angels. On that note – I am off to go and play trains with Master 5!

    2. So true. I should embrace my distractions a bit more often. It’s so difficult to balance children with … anything really. And I find myself hushing my children along so I can stick to my own imposed schedules. But it’s true, it’s these simple moments that are so darn sweet and it’s these moments we’ll miss the most when they’re gone. Tomorrow I will turn the computer off and will let my children distract me all day long!