
What’s that saying? You can’t choose your family…

Often it seems family is a curse… but sometimes family is a pleasure…

We all spent a wonderful evening last night with an Aunty and and Uncle and an almost Uncle and a soon to be Aunty (work that out for yourselves). Good food, good conversation, lots of playing and tickling and giggling and even an more adult game of cards when I finally got the kids to bed.

Playing the piano and singing (in fairy language, of course) with Aunty S.

The big boys playing with trains, until…

…the small boy comes to wreck it all

Yep… sometimes, even the outlaws are a pleasure!

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    1. OK…. you HAVE to tell me where you got those fabulous outfits for the girls – because I want to put Bronwen in the same thing! Words spelt correctly and truth in the meaning – those outfits ROCK!