Finding My Joy

It’s been a long week and sometimes I just need to spend time finding the joy among the hard…

strawberriesWe still have more strawberries than we have time to pick. It is such a good feeling to be able to give piles of fresh sweet berries to people who have been good to us this year.

Turning up the music in the car and singing along with your kids is good for your soul.

Chickens are funny.

NoahSo are two year olds.

The Christmas tree makes me smile… and it still has almost all of it’s decorations on it!

My Mum makes pasties (meat and veggie filled pastries, not things you wear on your nipples) that are almost as good as my Nan’s were.

eggsSpeckled eggs make me happy.

His cuddles, her eye rolling, his grin, holding her hand, hearing his voice…

Forget all the hard stuff… what has brought you joy this week?

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    1. I have been doing a 31 days of joy series to finish off the year on my blog. Its been a good challenge to find something joyful to recount for the next day. Not just a one off thing but something that involves a story.

    2. My little 5yo at his special school end if year celebration getting a certificate for his improvement in his expressive communication. He has come a long way in his prep year. Big challenges but so much joy!

    3. 4 yr olds singing when they think no-one is listening, ballet concerts, good friends…hard after the last week therefore all the more valuable! Thanks for the reminder.