Foam Sticker Stamps

Sometimes you just need to do something fun and arty and something that you know will work for everyone…

Yesterday that ‘something’ was making stamps from the foam stickers Noah got for Christmas.
foam sticker stamps

This idea for foam sticker stamps been around for a long long time and doesn’t need much explanation… just stick the stickers onto whatever you have laying around, corks, plastic bottle tops, or in our case, bits of wood and there you have it… stamps!

We used water colour paints but it would be even quicker to set up this activity if you used stamp pads.

foam sticker stamps

The joy of this activity for us is that the nine year olds, the five year old and the two year old are all enjoy this activity. The girls tend to spend time making ‘pictures’ or creating scenes with the stamps. Morgan is all about cause and effect, borders and neat ordered lines of stamps. And Noah is about paint on paper, however that happens.

foam sticker stamps

If you happen to have some foam stickers hanging around, give this a go!

foam sticker stamps

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    1. We have used this idea also with empty pill bottles . Place stickers (some need to be double layered ) on lid, with or without container attached depending on child’s needs. Green and clean.