Free Printable Easter Writing Prompts for Kids
If your kids need a little encouragement to practice their writing, these fabulous fun, hippity hoppity, free printable, Easter writing prompts are sure to inspire some creative writing!
Write about the Easter bunny, or a spring chick, write a poem, or write about why you love Easter, this set of Easter writing prompts has lots of ideas to encourage your writers.
These writing prompts are designed to be short, creative, and fun!
Many of these writing prompts only require short responses, or a lists of words, and some incorporate drawing into the prompt. These features make them great for encouraging reluctant, or beginning writers, as the focus is not about perfect grammar or proper sentences, but simply to encourage the child to write.
If you’ve got kids who love to write there are a few more opened ended prompts, and two blank pages (one with space for a drawing) so there is lots of space for them to write longer more creative responses, and really practice and develop their writing skills.
One of my favourite writing prompts in this set is the chick hatching from the egg, which askes writers “What did the chick see when it hatched out of the egg?”
There is also an Easter egg acrostic poem ( a poem where the first letters of each line spell out a word or phrase), a list for your favourite things about Easter, a step by step for making a magic egg, a prompt where you need to imagine what it would be like to be the Easter bunny, and one about winning the Easter hat competition!
These Easter writing prompts are perfect for kids in grades 1-4 (ages 6-9), but older kids can have fun with them too. Just print out some of the extra lined paper so they can write longer, more detailed responses.
Or you can use the blank pages to create your own writing prompts with ideas you know your kids will love.
Free Printable Easter Writing Prompts
You can download the fabulously fun, hippity hoppity, free printable Easter writing prompts here
There are six writing prompts in this set, one plain lined page, and one plain page with space for a drawing and lines.
They come as an A4 pdf document that you can print in colour, or black and white.
This printable is an A4 sized pdf file, you will need a pdf reader such as adobe acrobat to open it. If you are printing on US ‘letter sized’ paper be sure to select ‘fit’ or ‘shrink to fit’ from your printer options.
Please remember that the printables at are for personal use only, you may not sell, share, or link directly to these files.
We’d love to see the fabulous ways your kids use these writing prompts.
Feel free to share a photo on my facebook page, or tag me @picklebums on instagram or twitter.
More Easter Activities for Kids
If you need even more fun Easter activities for kids check out our latest Easter video…
And find all our Easter printables, activities and recipes here.