Funny, ha ha!

At four, the Twinadoes are starting to develop their own understanding of humour.

They are beginning to understand what it means when The Baldy Boy is ‘joking’ about something. They have their own ideas about what is funny (most often that means any sentence which contains the word ‘poo’). They have even begun to ‘tell jokes’ (why did the turtle cross the road? because he was doing a poo!). Mostly though, they are hysterically funny without even realising it!

Tonight Izzy had a major melt down right before bed. She was ‘hunnnnnnnnnnnnnnngry‘ Of course she was not hungry for any of the healthy food options I suggested, she wanted one of the biscuits she and Zoe had iced after dinner. Now I am not totally mean, she’d eaten a HUGE dinner and already had two biscuits, and that was two more than enough, so the answer was no to biscuits. Which resulted in a large pile of screaming Izzy in the middle of the lounge room floor.

I tried to explain why more iced biscuits were not on the menu. Then I offered a few alternatives. She could have a plain non-sugar biscuit, a piece of fruit… some grapes perhaps? She stopped the hysterical crying at the mention of grapes and with a few giant sobs said…
“I’ll have grapes… if you put jam on them”

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha he he he he ha ha ha!
The Baldy Boy and I rolled on the floor laughing (literally) at this…

The idea of trying to spread jam on a grape is funny enough on it’s own, let alone the fact that Izzy thought we actually might go for it as a healthy option! I guess I should be glad that my children are optimists!

Sadly Izzy did not see the joke and was rather offended that a) we laughed at her when she was so mad (we are such bad parents) and b) that she wasn’t getting iced biscuits OR grapes with jam on them. It took me a ‘story with my own voice’ (ie one made up and told by me not read from a book) and a very long cuddle, oh and an apricot, to get over it and go to sleep.

She is a funny chook that Izzy, and now she is starting to understand when she is funny and why… sometimes.

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  1. Very cute story. I have 15 year old twin girls – I just love them to death. It sure sounds like you are enjoying your sweet twins also. I have two other kids as well (a boy and a girl). I’m Kellan – come and see me sometime. See ya.

  2. Oooh – we have instilled a “no sugar after 4” policy in our house – it makes for much happier bedtimes all around and circumvents these arguments. And I only have 1 child.

    (Now, grapes dipped in jam might have worked…)

  3. Oh – you are in Australia (now that doesn’t look right – is that how you spell Australia? I don’t think so – sorry). WOW! Hard to imagine it is summer over there and winter over here (I am never going to be able to understand all that earth rotating stuff). I hope to see more of you – see you soon. Kellan