Good Times with Two Year Olds

It is no secret, I’ve whinged and posted about this before; I am finding my Small Boy a little difficult of late.

He is two and a half, heading straight for three with a bullet, which is notoriously a big time of change for a little person. Some days I can work with that, keep my cool and love him through the tough spots…. other days, not so much.

Even on the really rough days, when I have lost my cool way more times than I’d ever dare admit, even to myself, when I’ve yelled despite promising myself I wouldn’t do that, when I’ve chucked almost as many tantrums as he has…. On a bad day I try really hard to see his beauty. To remember the gorgeous moments, the funny moments, the clever moments. The positive things to get me through….

Here’s a few that I am clinging onto this afternoon….

He always requests the ‘Hen to Make an Egg Song’ (aka Life is Wonderful by Jason Mraz) when I turn on the computer and sings along with a quiet but clear voice. “wa wa wa wife is wonderful…..” Yes it is my boy.

He is so amazingly good at playing tux paint all of a sudden. Obviously without his sisters butting in to do stuff for him on the computer he has had the time to practice his mouse skills and sort out how it all works. He even asks nicely for help when he can’t get something to work… with surprisingly few frustrated melt downs.

Setting up imaginative play scenes for this child is a joy. He is so enthusiastic and I love listening to him having conversations between frogs and lizards or killer whales and the seals they are about to eat!

“You’re funny Mummy… am I funny Mummy?” He is so keen on being funny!

Suddenly he talks so much and so well. How did that happen?

‘Wegos’.. oh how he loves legos, and train tracks, and Barbies!

Anyone else got a gorgeous two and a bit year old who is testing but terrific?

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    1. How about a 3.5 y.o. who ruined an anniversary dinner and has already driven me so far around the twist today that I don’t think I can straighten out again?

      We are having a problem with listening at the moment, and this included today’s swimming lessons. Was hoping she’d have a nap, and although she was quietly reading in her bed she fell out (happening quite a lot the last two weeks) and it all started again. Hopefully some lunch and ABC2 will settle her and we can try again soon.

      I hope …

    2. ahhhhhhhhhhhh yes……..I remember 2.5 yrs……just keep chanting “this will pass…….this will pass”


    3. How could I have NOT known about Tux??? What a great free program!!
      I think this post could have been written by me on most days, you are SO not alone!!!!
      BUT my Charli is 3 1/2.

      Sandi :)

    4. yep! M3 is nearly 2.5. will come back later and tell more – as said child is wrecking havoc – all with a happy sweet ‘lub you mummy’ sing-song voice….