Grateful Friday….

At various moments during this looong week, between torn books, destruction, laundry and making milk I have been reminded of the great friends we have and how generous they are.

Saturday at the Greek Orthodox Christening we attended (the Greek food alone was worth the trip as was catching up with friends) a friend gave Muski his very own Steiner doll that she had specially made for him. It is sooooo gorgeous and even has his name embroidered on his foot! It was also accompanied by a gorgeous hand knitted cardigan. Just such a lovely, personal, thoughtful gift.

When we got home and I added it to the other gorgeous toys that Muski has been given I started to think about how many of the girls soft toys have been hand made by someone…. They have a doll each my Mum made them that has been loved and loved. They have gorgeous teddies made by their Great Aunty Jenny, and a set of tiny rag dolls that live in their doll’s house, as well as their most special dolls with their own clothes also all made by Jenny …. Add to that the incredible hand made quilts given to the girls by their Great Aunts and Great Grandmother last Christmas. It all just makes me smile when I realise how lucky we are to have all these precious things.

During the week we finally made it to the post office to send off a package and the last of our baby ‘thankyou’s (yes I know he is three months old now…. I am still pleading ‘hospital’ as my defence for being so late with these) and there were two surprise packages waiting for us. Both from ‘online friends’ sending Muski clothes…. I don’t really ‘know’ these people in the traditional sense of the word but we share so many things online and for them both to think of us really made my day.

And yesterday we caught up with our wonderful friends….. there were so many arms open to cuddle Muski, offers to help the girls with shoes and toilets and hugs, good food, good conversation…

We are so very lucky to have such generous people in our lives and we are very thankful.

So has it been a looong week in your house too? What are you thankful for?

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    One Comment

    1. Oooh great question… I’m grateful for supportive family, good friends who are like family, good health, that we live in a safe country, that we are warm and fed… oh and chocolate, automatic washing machines, napisan and at the end of a long week, husbands who come home with takeaway ;)