It’s been a while, so I think I am definitely due for some Gratefuls…
I’m grateful for…
*Vacuum cleaners that suck, and I mean REALLY suck.
*Having the money to buy that very sucky vacuum cleaner, even though it was more than we’d initially wanted to spend.
*The fact that my small boy can wear his great grandmother’s earrings with his Thomas the Tank shirt and still look gorgeous!
* Twitter… the best place for real person reviews and opinions before a purchase.
*Sprouting Seeds
*Having someone that I love and who loves me, no matter what…. and who bribes me with turkish delight and ice cream.
*Almost six year olds who roll their eyes at me, drop ‘bull shit’ into casual conversations and make me laugh, a lot.
*The other almost six year old who is brave, and very wii smart, and who often can’t stop crying even when she is laughing
*A good chat with good people.
*Fikey Frinkles… they are almost as good as led lobots in the lubbish!
*Health and home and family and time.
I am grateful for an online network who have kept me sane this week as I have worked ridiculous hours. I am grateful for the honesty of others and ever so pleased I made it into a chat tonight. Thanks kate for being all three of those things :)
What kind of vacuum do you have that really sucks? I’m always on the lookout for the perfect vacuum!
what are fikey frinkles? That one lost me! lol
I need a new vacuum cleaner, would love to know what sort you went with??
Yeah the fikey frinkles have stumped me too.
Yeah I need a new vaccuum too, mine sucks – or doesn’t suck rather.