Oh man the happy pregnancy hormones have definitely left the building (well and truly since it is over 3 months since Muski was born.. three months!? Can you believe it??) and my hair is falling out in handfuls!!!
I don’t wash my hair all that often these days – once, maybe twice a week – mostly due to the fact that we don’t have tons of water to waste on extravagant hair washing every day, or even every second day. Plus I’ve found washing in our tank water is much much kinder to my hair and so I don’t actually need to wash it so often. But I did wash it the today and OH BOY I can’t believe I am not bald, or at least have bald patches after the amount of hair that came out of my hair, before during and after washing it!
My hair is everywhere, on everything. No matter what I do I can’t stop it falling out in handfuls and I can’t seem to contain the hair that does fall out. It’s totally crazy… and just a little disgusting.
I badly BADLY need a hair cut. I really really don’t like having my hair cut. I dislike people touching my head for a start. My life has just been one long bad hair day, so no matter if someone says they have the best hair cut in mind for me it always ends up looking terrible and even if it is half decent when I leave the hairdressers I can never make it look that way again no matter how hard I try. Now add the major shedding issue and I am really not keen on getting my hair cut.
I wonder though, if a decent hair cut (haven’t had one for about 6 months I think) might actually help the shedding issue? Ack.. then I would have to think about how to have my hair cut. To hard! I just have no clue about this sort of stuff. I suck when it comes to hair and make up and clothes, heck I don’t even own a hair dryer… so I guess I am stuck with my bad hair life, until it all falls out, that is.
The Joys!!! Being a postpartum thing I don’t think getting a hair cut will make a huge difference but it will certainly help. I feel for you I remember those early postpartum days too well finding my hair on absolutely everything..
Huh? My hair isn’t falling out?! ROFL
But I too doubt a haircut will help I’m afraid! Maybe you’re getting your winter coat…for summer?! ;-)
Oh geez, don’t tell me I’m in for another bout of hair loss at the end of this pregnancy?? I lost a load of hair when I spent 2 months overseas a few years ago. I was working in the Netherlands, got the worst dandruff I’ve ever seen, and hair fell out in clumps! My plait that I do for work went from a really chunky one to a spindly thin one. Thankfully, it all seems to be back to normal now, but it took a long long time. One thing I do like about being pregnant is that my hair washing has gone from once a week to once a fortnight!!
Hey have you tried those websites or programs where you can put a picture of yourself up, and try out different haircuts ???
you know what im gonna say – SIL’s offer for a no thrills no stress, all kids included hair cut still stands! she the kind of cutter u want and your the kind of client she wants lol
You have been tagged! Read my blog to see! By the way I had the hair issue too, but it will stop one day.
Well, don’t even talk to me about haircuts – i haven’t had one for a YEAR, and I am so embarressed, cause my hair looks terrible! I don’t have a “hairdresser” Leah, yours sounds pretty good to me!
Thanks for reminding me I need to book in somewhere ASAP!
HAIR! The bane of my life!!!!! WHY do we have it! Much easier if we were all bald!!!!! Chop it all off Kate!!!!
Wow I’m still shocked that you hate anyone touching your head! I PAY someone to massage my head. It’s my idea of heaven! LOL
Take Leah up on her offer. A haircut is as good as a holiday. :)