Here Chook Chook Chook….

You may remember not so long ago I wrote a list of ‘needs vs’ wants’ and one of the things on the list was new chookies.

I’ve been reading and chatting with ‘chook people’ online and trying to decide what sort of hens we’d like, and more importantly what sort of rooster and with a tentative plan in mind, yesterday was ‘Chook Day’! Off we headed to the local farmers market (not our local local one, that was rained out last weekend unfortunately) to see what the ‘Chook Lady’ had in stock.

I had my heart set on a Faverolle but she had none this month (and not until spring now!) but she did have some lovely Light Sussex Hens so Zoe picked one of those to go home with us. Izzy’s heart was set on a black chook and we spied one lonely Ancona and I remembered that they were good layers (even if a bit flighty) so we took her home as well.

We would have gotten a few more but we had cash flow problems – mostly because when we stopped at the bank in town there was nothing left but a shell of a building and some workmen bumming around! That was ok though as we still have plans to hit the really close farmers market next month for some Wyandottes and maybe even an Australop hen…. you see I still can’t decide on just one breed!

So joining the four remaining refugee Isa Browns – Little, Parmy, Corky and Rosey – are Hattie and Beautiful. Hattie and Beautiful are so far getting along ok together, though they are a tad stand offish. Yesterday and last night I kept them separate from the refugee girls as they can be a bit bitchy at the best of times, but today they are all out mingling together in the grass, sussing each other out and so far so good. Tonight they’ll go back to their separate roosts though as I just don’t trust those refugee girls behind closed doors.

This is Hattie
Hattie the Hen

..and this is Beautiful – not ‘Beauty’ (goodness no, what was I thinking?) but BEAUTIFUL!
Beautiful chook

Sadly these are not the greatest photos, but the Twinadoes have come to my rescue by drawing a picture of their chooks…

Hattie by Izzy
Hattie by Izzy

Beautiful by Zoe
Beautiful by Zoe

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    1. Aren’t the chooks lovely. And the Twinadoes drawings are so cute.

      I had no idea there were so many different types of chooks. I always thought they were one and the same, just different colours. You have expanded my world :-)

    2. ha ha – I actually KNOW the breeds you are talking about because we spent 10 wise minutes in the poultry shed at the last show we went to – before the crowing chased us out!!!

      Lovely chooks – and great drawings!

    3. Ah gorgeous! Izzy and Zoe have good taste in chooks and drawings! ;-) Welcome to the addiction that is chooks!

    4. Wow what beaut I mean beautiful chooks!
      The drawings are just wonderful. Look forward to meeting them in person.

    5. Oh they are beautiful! I love “chooks” as you call them. As soon as I can get out of this blasted city, I am hoping to have a few myself.

      The girls drawings are adorable!